44. Surprise!

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"Yes my dear, did you miss us?" Aunt Diana chuckled. "Did you really think we'd let you just leave?" Uncle Kevin smirked.

Holy cow.

My aunt and uncle had come to get me. Oh no, what could they possibly want now?

"Well, please don't be difficult. Just come with us and we'll play nice." Aunt Diana spoke, with a fake smile. I folded my arms over my chest. "No, I belong here. Not with you guys, not anymore." I told them, maintaining eye contact.

Aunt Diana gasped. "That's no way to speak to your family, young lady! You will punished severely for that." She stuck her nose up in the air and waited for Uncle Kevin to say something.

He quickly cleared his throat and shoved his hands in his pants pockets. "Listen, I'm going to keep this simple. Come with us, and you won't get hurt. Disobey, and I'll make you regret it." Uncle Kevin spoke.

I looked at them, shock and disgust was painted on my face. "What do you think I am, stupid? I'm staying here with Luca, even if you don't approve of it. I don't belong to you anymore, you sold me, remember?"

Uncle Kevin laughed. "So?" I widened my eyes. "So? Is that all you have to say? I was sold to a gang leader. Do you really think I belong to you? No, I belong with the gang, not you." I shot at them.

I shook my head. Uncle Kevin stepped towards me. "Listen little girl, I am your rightful guardian, so that means that you do what I say." He ordered. I chuckled sarcastically. "I'm 18, which makes me the rightful owner of myself.
You have no reason to talk to me, look at me, or even think about me. Go away." I growled.

Aunt Diana rolled her eyes. "You are such a drama queen. You are going with us, right now." She walked over and grabbed my wrist. I pulled away from her.

"Excuse me? Don't you disrespect me little girl. Kevin! Come here and get her right now!" She yelled at uncle Kevin. Uncle walked over, and grabbed my other wrist before I could move away.

"Hey! Let go of me!" I yelled at them. Uncle Kevin smirked, and said, "night night."

There was an exploding pain under my eye, then my world went black, into the depths of my very own mind.



I sat down at the table, watching Sean and Alfesto arm wrestle. We all knew that Alfesto was going to win, he was much stronger and worked out a lot longer. Why Sean even tries.... I don't know.

I guess you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

After Alfesto and did his little "ha-ha I'm better than you" speech, I noticed that it was really quiet upstairs. I knew she said she was going to bed, but we all thought she was going to stay with Luca in Italy too....ill go check on her.

I slowly walk up stairs, to avoid startling her. When I reach the top, I begin to become even more worried. I walked down the hallway until I came to her door.

"Miya?" I called from behind the door. No answer. "Miya Ling, answer me." I said, more sternly than the last time. No answer again. This time I opened the door and let it swing. The door hit the wall, probably leaving a dent.... But that's not what I was worrying about.

There was no Miya.

I cursed out loud. And stomped my foot. I walked to the centre of the room, and ran my fingers angrily through my hair. That's when I noticed a piece of paper on the floor.

I quickly walked over to it and picked it up in my hand. It was Miya. I scanned through the words. At least she told us where she went..... But the thought of her lying to me also came across my mind.

What would happen if I went all the way down to the hospital, then realized that she lied. I can't go through another three months of constant search, or Luca's rough nights.

He needed Miya, more than she realizes, and more than he'll ever admit. Too bad they can't just tell each other that.

I soon my head. The are bound to get together one day. I can just see it. But i wouldn't bring that up to Luca? He'd probably bash my head in, even though I'm his best friend.

I ran downstairs and looked at the boys, who were now playing cards. They are always looking for games to compete in. They even have "bragging rights." Which is actually a little annoying when one of them wins.

'Cause I'll hear about it for the rest of the day.

I grabbed my coat, and both of their heads shot up. "Where are you going?" They both asked at the exact same time. I didn't even crack a grin or flash them smile.

"Going to the hospital." I said quickly. They both rose to their get, knocking over the chairs they were once sitting on. "Luca? Is Luca okay?" Alfesto asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Not sure but Miya's gone." I told them. "What?" Sean yelled, slamming his hands down on the table. "She left a note, telling us she was going to the hospital.
I don't know if it's a lie or not, but that's what I'm going to find out."

Then I ran out they door, both Sean and Alfesto running after me. Let's just hope Miya didn't do anything stupid.

For her sake.



Hopefully this chapter was good, and did you like Josh's POV?

Also please tell me in the comments: who do you like better, Josh, Sean, or Alfesto?

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