6. Slave

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I go upstairs very slowly, and I entered the hallway I was once in this morning. I could feel the tears building up in my eyes. I stopped at my bedroom door. He told me, the outfit was on my bed. Was I really going to listen to him, was I really going to become another one of his miserable slaves?

"What's wrong with you?" I heard a familiar voice. I turned my head my head and saw Sean, he was right in the middle of the hallway. You embarrassed him yesterday, don't tell him anything....

"Nothing." I told him quickly, I turned the doorknob, but was unable to open it. Sean had his hand over mind, making it impossible for me to open the door. I looked up, and met his gaze. I took a step back, and he remained in his place. "What's wrong?"

I shook my head, trying so hard not to let the tears fall. "Miya, now." he ordered, and I shook my head. I tried to push past him, but e wouldn't let me leave, instead he grabbed my wrist and pulled it behind my back. "Miya, I don't want to hurt you. So answer the question, or you'll leave me no other choice..." he spoke, and I shivered.

Sean, was A LOT stronger that I thought he was. He still had a muscular build, but still... he was tough. "None of your business Sean!" I raised my voice at him, and he didn't seem to like that very much. Within seconds he yanked up at my arm, and I yelped in pain. "Now." he ordered.

I nodded my head. "Y-ye- yes." my voice was shaky. He released my arm and spun me around, keeping his hands on my shoulders. " Well, go on." he was trying to get me to talk, and I felt a hot tear roll down my cheeks.

"Luca.. he's...he's..." then I began crying. Sean just stood there as I cried into my hands, then I ran into my room, not even realising that he had followed behind me. "Miya, get used to it! Don't be such a baby!" He growled and shoved me onto the bed.

I fell on the bed, like a motionless rag doll. He stood in front of me with his hands on his hips. I folded my legs and pulled them closer to my body. "I'm not going to do anything, no need to go all protective on my now." he spat out, and I exhaled in relief.

"So, what now?" I sniffed, and wiped my eyes. "Well..." Sean spoke, looking all high and mighty. He walked towards the door and looked back before shutting the door. "Put on your outfit, come down stairs when it's on. Luca will love to see it."


I slowly and shakily took of my clothes, and put on my so called uniform. It was so short, if I bent down people would see my underwear, and I do NOT want anyone to see my delicates.

I open the door to my room and Sean was standing right in front of my door. When he finally noticed me, his eyes widened. He stepped off from the wall, and gave me a good look. "Good. You look good." then he motioned me to follow him. I walked down behind Sean, only to see Luca in the middle of the room, on his phone texting.

Sean cleared his throat, and then left the room. Coward. He put his phone away and walked over towards me. When he was real close to me, he placed his large hands on my waist. He ran his fingers through my dark brown hair, and looked into my chocolate eyes. His eyes were green, a mossy green. I never really noticed them until now.

Then he looked at my body, in the skin tight, short, black and white outfit. The shoes, AKA black high heels, were actually quite comfortable. However, I know that they won't feel like that for much longer. "Good, now go clean the coffee table. It's dusty." he told me, pointing to the table.

I glanced over and the table was clear, and clean. I looked at him. A muscle flexed in his jaw, daring me to say no, but I walked over to the coffee table, with a white cloth in my hand. Then I remembered, don't bend down.

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