57. Mother's design.

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I looked down at it carefully, then gazed down at my finger. I already owned an engagement ring, why did he want to give me another one? Was he that stupid? I looked sat him weirdly for a second, and he nodded.

"I know what your thinking..." He began. "You already own one, I gave it to you in Italy, remember? But, you can find that ring in any store. However, this one is one of a kind." He explained, holding the ring up closer to my face.

Oh, I get it. He wants to show off all he money he has by buying me... This. It was a beautiful ring, the best one I had ever seen, but was I going to tell him that?


"Luca, I already have an engagement ring, what makes it any different if I where that one?" I ask him, and he sighs.

"I knew you would be difficult, Miya. You always are." Luca grabbed my left hand and swiped of the old engagement ring. He slid the new one on, and smiled. "It suits you ten times better than I thought it would." He says.

I quickly turn my head away from him. "What's wrong?" He asked. I scrunched up my face at him and spoke, "I haven't forgotten about what you said about my parents. Your a cold blooded killer." 

Luca nods. "I know you haven't forgotten what you said, so that's why I think you'll really like this ring." He stated.

I straighten up and soften my expression. "Why? Why would I like this?" I asked, trying to sound like he couldn't give me a reason, but to be honest, the ring was beautiful.

Luca bent down so we were eye level. "Did you know your mother was a jewelry designer?" He asked, letting his hair fall over his eyes. I nodded, "she made the most beautiful necklaces ever. She'd even let me wear them when I was younger, I felt like I was on top of the world." I answered.

Luca grinned. "Well, when she... Passed away. In her purse was her design book. I found it in our storage building as soon as I found out she was your mother." He explained.

I tilted my head to one side. "Keep going." I urged him to continue to speak. "I was planning on giving you her book but I wanted to do something else for you as well." He was beating around the bush. "Continue." I say. He tucked a hair behind my ear. "That ring you wear..." He began.

"Was designed by your mother."

I was completely shocked. My jaw dropped, and I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This... This ring, was designed by.. Mom?

I felt tears roll down my cheeks as I looked at Luca. I wanted to hug him, but that voice in the back of my head told me not to. That he killed my parents. Plus, I can move due to the restraints.

"Luca.. I can't believe you would do this for me." I whisper. Luca smirks, then takes out his knife. I flinch as he cuts of the small white ties, and he carries me over to the bed.

I get under the covers, with Luca at my side. I can hear him breathing. "Luca?" I ask, to make sure he's listening to me. "Yes?" He says almost instantly.

"How did you do it?" I asked.

"Do what?"

"Kill them?"

"Kill who?"

"Mom and dad."

He sucked in a breath, as I looked him directly in the eye. He closed his eyes. "Dad took me out one night... Telling me he had to go out on a mission." He explained.

"Someone was paying their bills, and dad couldn't stand giving someone drugs if they weren't paying for them. So, he was going to kill him, and take me along with him." Luca said.

"As we entered the area, we hid behind some boxes, so we he came, he wouldn't see us. The guy, did come, and dad shot up between the eyes. Then spit at the man." 

Luca shook his head, and looked me into the eyes as he finished his story. "I was just some worried kid that didn't want to go to jail. Your parents, they saw what happened, and froze right there on the spot. They must of been terrified to see such a thing."

"I sung out to dad, telling them two people had seen us. Dad had always told me to watch out for civilians, and tell him if any saw us. I listened to what my dad said, like any ten or eleven year old would." Luca breathed heavily.

"Dad chased them down and killed them. Buried them or back somewhere, but I checked through the stuff. Just to see if they had anything to put on their graves. Dad probably would've of removed what I put there, but I felt like it was the right thing to do."

"I found your mothers design book, and your dads watch. Both down in the storage area. I'm so sorry Miya, but they are dead..." He signed.

I patted his arm. After ensuring his story, I now know it wasn't his spot, and I shouldn't of gotten mad at HIM. It was his father to be blamed, not Luca. "Luca it's not your..." But he didn't let me finish, he put a hand over my mouth. Luca's eyes were filled with regret. Then he spoke.

"I am to blame."



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