3. Sacred

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We came to an enormous mansion and oh my god! It was beautiful. Maybe if I wasn't being held against my will, I might of enjoyed it. Luca must of noticed my excitement because he smirk. I roll my eyes at him, so he just gives me that ha-ha-I-win kind of look.. I rubbed my hands in my lap, trying to relieve the pain that was now shooting through my hands. My wrists were chafing. I could feel my skin peeling of and going raw, but it did not draw any blood.

Alfesto noticed my discomfort, I watched him look at me. Although he did nothing about it. He continued to stare straight, and it agitated me. I rested my pounding head on the back of the cushioned seat. My head ached ever since Luca yanked me all over the country by my hair. God, if you don't think that hurts, then your nuts!

"You'll be staying here." Luca spoke, and once again, it sounded like ice. I shook my head no, but I knew it wouldn't do any good what so ever. "Shaking you head no wont get you anywhere. You need to shape up." Alfesto chimed in and I shivered at his words. "Cold?" Asked Sean, turning his head to face me. "No, I just feel can't stand to look at Alfesto's face." I joked, and Sean laughed. Alfesto looked at me as I slapped right across the face.

"Don't expect some great, behaving young woman. I have had a hard life, and I don't think you understand that." I spoke harshly, and he grunted. I brought my legs up and curled up into a ball.

"And your going to need better clothes than that. We don't like our girls in old, crusty things..." Luca spat at me. I was going to say "well look who's talking." But I figured he'd just hurt me again, and besides, he was looking mighty good in a leather jacket.

"I was thinking, You should wear a short little maid outfit. You know, the revealing ones?" Alfesto spoke and I could of punched him. I couldn't think of any snarky comment so I just said the first thing on my mind. "No, I wouldn't look good in anything revealing." Luca looked down at me and gave my that heart stopping smirk. "I'll be the judge of that babe. I'd love to see you in a tiny little black dress." He rested his arm on the window and I shook at his words. I really hope they forget about that outfit when the time comes.


We stepped out of the darkness of the car and onto the driveway. It had beautiful red rose bushes lining the road. Red roses were my favourite. While the men were talking my the car, I sat down on my knees, looking at the perfect roses. I slightly touched one with my shaking finger.

"You like them?" I heard a familiar voice. Looking up, I saw Luca with his fists jammed into my pocket. "Yes, I do." I told him, and fixed my gaze back onto the roses. "Pick one, anyone. I want to see your choice." He spoke again, his voice not as hard.

I focused on each flower. My favourite one was the tiny one, right on the end. It wasn't as full and as bloomed as the others, but it was gorgeous. I picked it up in my hand. I looked at Luca, and he had his hand held out. I went to pass him the rose, but he snatched my wrists. Taking out a knife he sliced the ropes out without struggle. Then he removed the binding on my ankles.

"Why? Why this tiny one?" He asks me. I looked at him innocently, hoping to make him feel guilty of the naughty thing he has done to me. "It's different from the rest, bigger doesn't mean better you know." I told him, in my sweetest voice, and he just gave a low laugh. He gripped my hand and flung that rose away. When I came to my feet, he swung me around so I wasn't facing him. When I was completely facing the mansion, he placed his hands on my waist, and hips.

I jumped, and he just tightened his grip. I struggled to get out of his grasp, but he just pulled me to him. There was NO space between us. "Stop moving, I won't hesitate to beat the sense into you." I turned my head to face him. "You will never lay another finger on me." I snarled at him, then squirmed out of his arms.

I whipped around so I could see him, all of him. "You are my property. Mine.You hear me?" he spoke harshly, stepping towards my shivering body. "No, I am my own property. Not yours, and I will never truly be yours." I spat at him. Saliva was building up in my mouth, so when he came close, I spit it out at him.

It landed on his shirt. He whipped it off with the flick of his hand, it didn't seem to bother him. Even though I wish that it would of. "Feisty? Your a keeper." He spoke, the quickly bending down to pick me up. "Put me down!" I screamed at him. He flung me over his shoulder, like I was weightless, which I wasn't.

He carried me into the mansion over his shoulder. I was kicking and trying to tear at the jacket that was on his back. I eventually got tired. So I stopped and dangled over his shoulder, like a lifeless body.

After he came to beautiful room and sat me on the bed. He stood in front of me. "You sleep here. The door his locked, you can't leave unless one of use let you out, or we come in." He explained, folding his arms over his chest. I nodded my head yes, and he smiled. "I'm glad you understand." He spoke. I looked him sourly and spoke harshly. "I always understand when someone speaks, I just wish that you would stop talking.

I laughed at my comment and fell into the bed. I heard him mumble something under his breath, and then I felt a something in MY bed.

"Luca! Off!" I yelled at him. He just moved up towards my body. Within seconds, he was on top of me. "Get off!" I screamed, but he had already pinned my hands to my sides. "Quit squirming, it ain't help you any." He spoke. I squirmed one more time to prove a point, and I immediately regretted it.

Luca's lips connected to the soft spot behind my ear. He planted open mouth kisses on my ear, and his hands were tightly gripped around my wrists. I quivered in places I shouldn't be. He moved his lips, to my collarbone, to my throat, and came so close to my lips. However, he stopped before reaching them. "You still a virgin, babe?" He asked, his voice was deep and husky. It sounded so sexy I could of melted, and I hated myself for that.

When I didn't answer, he bit my ear, keeping it in his mouth. "Tell me." He spoke. When I refused to answer one again, he bit my ear a lot harder than before. I winced in pain.

"I'll keep going harder, tell me babe. Are you?" Without a moment of hesitation, I nodded my head yes, feeling the tears well up in my eyes. I couldn't hold them there. They fell from my eyes, and danced on my cheeks. Luca chuckled and spoke. "Not so tough are you?" Then he rolled off of me.

I brought my legs up to my chest and pulled the blankets of over my body. He pointed a finger at me. "You are my property. Remember that. Don't go back at me ever again, or I won't go so gentle on you." Then be began to walk away. Before shutting the door he spoke again.

"The door will be unlocked, but Sean is just down the hall so no funny business. I want you don't stairs in twenty minutes, ya hear?" I shook my head quickly. He smiled. I thought he was done talking, but he wasn't. Man this dude just wouldn't shut up!

"About my question. I loved your answer. You know that makes you pure. That makes you innocent. That makes you....." He paused.



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