28. Too far gone.

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Two thousand dollars. That is what I had took from him. I gave the card to the cashier at the store, and told them to give it to someone named Luca. Then I passed her an envelope, which was something I had written to Luca. Last words, so he wouldn't be so mad. He needed to hear my words, he needed to know what I had to say. She nodded and I quickly left the store. Next stop....


I really need to leave this place. I plan on going to somewhere in Canada. My mind is set on Vancouver, which is in British Columbia. He won't even think about me being there.

Nope, I'll be free. I'll start a new life, and I won't be bothered. Nor will ever have to worry or think about Luca finding me. I don't want him to find me. Just imagine what he would do if he did?!?!?

Would he punish me?

Lock me away?

Torture me?

Kill me?

What ever he chooses, it will never happen. I know Luca is going to search Italy for a while, and then he's going to back to his home in America. There he will look, then he'll give up when he can't find me.


Very good.

Just make sure that I lay low for a little while, and then when he eventually gives up, I won't worry.  Let's just hope he gets that letter.

I run all the way to the airport. Trying to make up some ground. Luca had diffidently noticed me gone now, and I don't know if he's looking for me or not. If he is, he's most likely going to that store.... Since I had taken some of his money.... He told me he knew how to track things like that.

So that's probably what he did.

It took an hour to run to the airport. It was eleven thirteen exactly. Now I had to wait in line. After a little while I got my ticket and boarded the late night flight. I sat and rested my head on my arm, peering down at the ground.

The airplane wasn't moving yet, but I was still thinking about what it would be like to fly on my own. Lucia was with me the first time, but I was practically asleep the whole time when we first left so... This will.l be my first trip being awake.

I took in a deep breath, and waited. The plane would take off eventually, and I was already a counting down the minutes before we took off.

Yes, I was going to miss some of the people there. A month with Luca was too long though. Constant torture, endless pain, and forever reminded that I was useless....

That is not a life to live. I rubbed my forehead, and exhaled. Taking in a nice, long breath I began thinking once again. How did Luca react? Was he relieved? Angry? Sad? Happy?

I don't know, but I really hope he doesn't come to find me. I can't let that happen. A new life, that had been my plan. Now, will Luca ruin that on me, or will he just leave me be, only time will tell. Even though I was a nice distance away from him. There was no way Luca could catch me now....

I was too far gone.



The drive felt like it took forever. When your really trying to catch somebody, just trying to make up some ground.... It feels like freaking eternity.

I cursed over and over again, hoping she was still at that store. Josh had gotten me a location, and it said that the card was still at the store.

That store was right around the corner. I could catch her. Bring her home. Put her where she belongs.

She belongs with me.

I was thinking about what could make her want to leave so bad. Was she lonely? Was I treating her poorly? What was I doing wrong? Yes, I was a little harsh from time to time, but now she went to far.  Leaving me, with nothing.

I didn't even get a goodbye.

I pulled up to the store, and quickly ran inside. I walked over to the cashier and asked her if she'd seen Miya, and then I gave her Miya's descriptions. She nodded and asked if I was Luca Colt. I nodded.

The cashier pulled something from under the counter, and handed it to me. There was my card, so that's what Josh was tracking. And an envelope with my name on it.

I looked at the cashier either a questioning look, but she just shrugged and said, "she wanted you to have it."

I left and got into my car, quickly ripping the envelope, and taking the contents that laid inside. A letter, from Miya to me. It read:

Dear Luca,
Hey, I know that if you have this, that means you've noticed me gone.
I'm sorry for leaving without saying a word to you, but I just couldn't deal with it anymore.
I can't deal wth the pain, the torture, the suffering. I got into a forced engagement that I didn't even want in the first place!
How am I supposed to deal with that? You won't miss me too much anyway, you have Roxie, she can tend to your needs, all you have to do is ask her.
Please don't be angry with me, I did it to help the both of us, that's all. It's a good thing Luca.
You know, I would normally say see you later at the end of a better, because I normally plan on seeing the person again. But that encounter we had in the pent house was our last Luca. So..... Goodbye.

From your truly,
Miya Ling.

I could feel the anger boil in my stomach and coming up through my throat. By what was this other feeling? Regret? Pain? Or was it sadness? Did I miss her?

I didn't want to lose her, no. I don't want that to be the case. I need to catch her. I will find her, this won't be our goodbye. It can't be. Please let this be nightmare, just one very realistic nightmare.

I know it isn't a nightmare. That's just my life. It's how I was raised and I can't handle it. I would try to get her home by tonight, but I don't see that happening.

She's too far gone.



So how was that? Your going to start seeing some of Luca's POV more since him and Miya are in different places, so the both of them will do, right?

Please let me know what you think by COMMENTING and VOTING. Spread the love, guys.



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