7. Mercy

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The sound of the fun rang through my ears as if I was in a tunnel. Luca just killed Mark. In front of me. I could feel my hands shaking, and my legs were weak. I could no longer move, I couldn't think straight, I couldn't even look. I shut my eyes quickly and sunk down to the floor. Bringing my legs up to my chest and wrapping my arms around them. I shook on the floor, trying not to see Luca, but something tells me that that is going to be a lot harder than it sounds.

I feel tears fall from my eyes and dance on my cheeks. I cry in controllably, but I don't make any sounds. I don't want to get Luca's attention , he's holding a gun. I just watched a man die. I know he was picking at me, and Luca did it out of possessiveness. But he didn't have to kill the dude! All he had to do was throw him out of the room.

But what made me really think, was what the man was saying to Luca. I will take your place. If I don't, someone else will. Those were his words.... Well, they went something like that. Take his place? Did he mean as a leader? As in gang leader? Like the Mafia? That scared me. I knew Luca was into some dark things... But I figured he was just some gang. But the Mafia carry guns, and Luca carried a gun.

I felt a body slump down beside me. I to terrified to look, but I knew who it was. My cold, mean, Mafia boss, Luca. "Look at me" he spoke. When I didn't looked at him, he gripped my chin and forced me to look at him. I bet my eyes we're red, and glossed over with tears.

"Let this be a lesson." His words were as hard as ice. I closed my eyes tightly, but he just shook my head, making me open them. "Lesson?" I asked him, voice shaking. He stood, holding his hand out. He wanted mine hand. I automatically grabbed his and he pulled me to my feet. He began to walk away. "What less one, Luca!" I yelled out to him, I rarely said his name.

He whipped his head around. "Call me boss, or master. Sir is okay too." He told me. "Okay..." I said, then he glared at me. "....Sir." I mumbled, and crossed his arms over my chest. "Now, what lesson?" I asked again, repeating my question.

He smirked and pointed at finger at me and spoke. "You are not to mingle with any other me . Do you understand?" I gasped. "I wasn't mingling! I was..." He gave me the death stare. I let my head hang low. "Yes, sir."

"Also.." He spoke. "I didn't tell you to stop massaging my shoulders. Why did you stop?" I looked at him and gave him the are you for real stare. "He was picking on me." I told Luca, but Luca looked unimpressed. "Next time, do not stop your actions, unless I tell you to. I am your boss, and you listen to me. I own you. All of you. Everything. You hear?" He spoke harshly. I nodded my head, and quickly followed behind him. He smiled, then patted my head as if I was a dog. "Good girl. You'll make a good slave." The he turned in his heels and left. I followed him, I have to listen to him. I didn't want to suffer the same fate as Mark.

I didn't want to die.

And now I'm at the mercy of Luca Colt.

And his gun.


He made me walk all the way around the house, then up the stairs, into a series of rooms, then into my room. He was a complex man, and I hated him for it. He pointed at my bed, and I walked over to it. I say on the edge of the bed, watching his go through my drawers. When he opened the top drawer, AKA my underwear drawer I rose to my feet.

"Hey! You can't go through that!" I yelled at him, but he just have me the i don't care look. I walked over a snatched the black underwear he was holding in his hand. I put in back in the drawer and slammed it shut. He looked at me coldly. "I didn't tell you to do that, so now you'll be punished." He quickly grabbed my arm and pulled my towards the bed. Was reaching the edge he tossed me on top of it. I flipped around do I could see his face, and he was panting. Ahhh..... Oops.

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