39. Prepare for battle.

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"Luca, we have a big problem! A really big problem." Alfesto shouted out to me. I ran towards him, it was urgent. "The Forgio's are planning an attack. There coming today, just got informed by some of our men." Alfesto explains.

Looks like I don't have time to think about Miya, I got to worry about everyone. "Okay, get the men down at the eastern base set ready. Put the people of the west on stand by. This is going to be a big one." I commanded.

Then my phone rang.

Not a great time. I picked it up. "What?" I said harshly. "Luca, how's it going?" Said a familiar voice.

"Jack Forgio. What do you want?" I spoke without any emotion in my voice. "Oh, just your men dead. You dead, and I'll take your fiancée. That sound good?" He laughed as if it was the best thing in the world.

"You will never kill me and my men, nor will you lay a finger on Miya!" I yelled at him, clearly angry. Jack laughed. "Little protective? Ill enjoy having her walk around the house." He spoke.

I was furious. "You will never have her,
You hear? You won't kill my men, and there is no way in hell that you'll kill me. See you later, Jack. I can't wait to watch your last drop of blood bleed out on my floor when I kill you." Then I clicked off.

"What is it boss?" Alfesto call out.

"Jack, he called."

"What does he want?"

"Me and my men dead. And...."


"And what?"

I stopped for a brief moment. There was no way he was going to get her. No way I would let him, not over my dead body. "And what?" He repeated.




What do I do?
What do I do?
What do I do?

Is Luca mad? Upset? Angry? I don't know. I was trying to put him out of my mind, but that person was Luca. Which means putting him out of my mind was impossible.

I went to leave the room. I opened the door to see Josh standing there. "What is it Josh?" I asked, a little frightened by our sudden encounter.

"Luca says to make sure you don't leave this room. Sorry little lady." Josh spoke softly. I frowned. "It will be okay. I'll come in with you." Josh offered. I moved out of the way to come in.

Josh grabbed a black chair, and placed it in front of the door. "You don't have to sit in front of the door, I'm not planning on running away anytime soon." I said flatly. Josh just glared at me, then his expression softened. He sat in front of the door anyway.

I sat on another chair and looked at Josh. "It feels like I haven't see you in forever." I told him. He nodded. "Three months is a long time, no?" He was upset that I left them.

"Listen Josh, I didn't want to hurt you, nor did I ever want you to worry about me. I wanted you to just forget about me, pretend I never existed. Clearly neither one of you could do that, since I'm back here. And I'm sort of glad I did.... Im sorry Josh." I finished my little apology.

Josh stood and walked towards me. Without another word he hugged me
Tightly. I rest my head against his chest. "You are forgiven, Miya." He spoke. I hugged him tighter, "thank you, Josh."

Then Josh sighed. "I just hope you can forgive me." He said. I squinted and furrowed my eyebrows. "What?" I asked, but something jabbed into my side. "It's Luca's orders Miya, I'm so, so sorry."

He pulled something out of my side. A needle. Then he carried me to the bed. Laying me down, I could see black. My vision, it was going. Leaving me. "Sleep, Miya. Sleep." He soothed.

I grew more and more tired as he told me to sleep. "Your going to be safe when you wake. Just remember that. You are safe."

Then my tiredness consumed me.


I was working in the control centre when Josh sauntered in. I looked at him carefully. "Did you take care of it? Is she safe?" I asked. Josh nodded. "She's in the safe room. She'll probably be startled at first, but she'll adapt." Josh assured me.

I sighed in relief. She was okay. She was asleep, as she would wake up in an hour. "I'll check on her in an hour." Alfesto said. I shook my head no. "If I'm not busy, I'm going to check on her. If I'm busy, you can." I told him.

He looked at me for a brief second then nodded. "Whatever you say, boss." Then he went back to whatever he was doing. I nodded. Good, I had nothing to worry about.

Except for Jack's men who had set out to kill me and my men.

I start fiddling with something when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Eleanor. "Luca, we have a really big problem." Another one?

But Eleanor had some sort of look in her eye.




I couldn't quite put finger on it. "What is it Ellie?" I asked, resting my hand on her shoulder. "Jack just broke in, and he's coming for you." She said frantically . I was shocked. "How did he get in?" I asked.

"I don't know, somehow he was able to make it and he's gunning for you. Be careful Luca." She warned me. Her eyes had already filled with tears. Alfesto walked over and hugged her.

"It's okay, Ellie. I got you." Is what he was saying to her. She wrapped her arms around his neck. "I know honey bunny. I know." The she closed his eyes, not letting her go.

I went to go get my gun and my ammunition. Loading the gun I went out through the door. "Josh!" I yelled. He lifted his head up. "Take care of Miya for me."

Then I left the room.



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