46. I promise.

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"Kidnapped? How did you piece that one together?" Josh asked, looking at me as if I was crazy. "Well, she had never meant to leave, that only leaves one other option." I explained. He raised his arms up, as if what I was saying was unbelievable.

"Okay, just because she didn't show up, that doesn't mean she was kidnapped!" He exclaimed.

"So you don't believe me?"

"Oh, I believe you is just that..."

"You don't trust my judgements."

"I never said that!"

I walked passed Josh. I knew that saying all this will make him all nervous. When he's nervous, he's not himself. So, he'll agree with me.

"But... How could... Are you ..... Uhhh, fine. I'll trust you, for now." He crossed his arms over his chest. I chuckled slightly. He looked at me and furrowed his brows. "What's so funny?" He asked.

I shook my head, "nothing." I walked towards the door. I plan on leaving this hospital, I don't want to hear anymore nurses nagging at me to "stay in bed."

I opened the front door, only to here Josh say, "you love her, don't you?" I froze in my tracks and looked over my shoulder, he was smiling like a little kid who had just a gotten their way. I sighed, and spoke.

"I honestly don't know."


I walked outside and got into my black sports car. The doctors pleaded me to stay. I still needed a week to heal. A week? That's way to long, Miya could be hurt and I wouldn't be able to help her in a week.

Pushing through the pain. It was only a little pinch-like kind of pain, but something told me that it would get worse.

Not putting on my seatbelt, I turned on the car and sped off. I knew Josh had brought his own car, so I didn't have to worry about waiting for him.

Miya.... I will find you.. I promise. I will never let you out of my sight ever again. You will stand by my side, and I will chain you to me if I have to.....

I promise.



He should of just rested. That way he would of been safe, and he would of gotten better. Miya is strong. She can get through anything.

I can't believe Luca just went and jumped to the conclusion that she was kidnapped. He barely had any evidence. He wouldn't know.... Would he? Or is he just in a panic, since he cares for her?

Whatever it is, I'll let him believe whatever he wants. If she things she kidnapped so be it. I'll go with him, and I'll trust his judgements. He is the boss after all.

I've been his friend for so many years. I may not be his best friend, but i am sure as hell in his close inner circle of friends. I better be! I'll stand by him through thick and thin. I will be by his side, and I'll try my hardest to please him. I won't ever betray him.

I promise.



Pain was soaring though my body. I was covered in bruises, my lip was swollen, and so was my eye. I had serval cuts along my arms, legs, and my back.

I was beaten, but not broken. I was hurting but not destroyed. I was scarred, but not shattered. I am not going to be their punching bag again, but no matter who hard I tried, I always ended up on the bottom. I think that who ever dealt out the cards... They cheated.

I was lid down on my stomach, since my back had been hurting a hell of a lot. Closing my eyes I thought about what I could do to escape.

There's no window, but maybe I could throw something at the wall, and make my escape then? But I am pretty afraid of heights, so that probably wouldn't work.

I could go out through the front door, but, aunt and uncle might come in, and then I'd been beaten worse than I am now. Which also wouldn't be a good idea.

I could beat up the next person that walked into the room, but then again, uncle Kevin in pretty strong, and I bet if I got hold of aunt Diana, he would beat me until there was nothing left of me. Yeah.... Not an option.

I could wait for Luca. But who says he's coming? Maybe he finally forgot about me, like I had told him to.


"Luca! Just... Just stop!" I yelled at him, trying to hold back tears. He slammed his hands in the wall. "who's going to make me, huh? You? I don't think so babe. You don't get a day anymore, you left for three god damn months." He growled.

"Why does it bother you? You should of just stayed away. I can't do this! You should of just left me when you had the chance." I told him.

He looked at me confused, but he was clearly still mad. "Left you when I had the chance? What chance did I had, huh? I was with you the morning your aunt and uncle agreed to sell you to me. What could I have possibly done to make you happy?" He yelled, throwing his hands up in the air.

I shook my head, and let my tears fall this time. He walked closer to me, so there was no space between us. My back was pinned up against the wall. "Are you going to answer me?" His voice wasn't so anger now, and it was a little quieter. I looked at him through my tears and whispered.

"You should of just forgotten about me."


I shivered at my words. Maybe he actually DID forget about me. That cogs like be why he hasn't shown up yet. Or maybe it's just taking him a while to find me. Who knows?

I felt the urge to cry again. Oh I missed him. I really did. I, Miya Ling, missed Luca Colt. It was something I couldn't control, but it ached deep inside whenever I did miss him. I shook my head.

I won't be a burden to him. I'll be very grateful if he saves me. I'll diffidently owe him one, and I'll have to thank him. I will stand by him if he needs help, and I will try my hardest to fix our fragile relationship.

I promise.


Well, there's chapter 46! I hope it was good. Sorry it takes a while to publish, but school takes up a lot of my time. 😥

Also, thanks for the 103 votes and...

2.1k reads! Holy Moly I am so happy right now I could scream. Don't forget to comment and vote. If love to hear from you guys.

Spread the love, guys.



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