45. Two days after

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Two days later....


December 15th. I've been locked in this horrid room for two days. Aunt Diana and Uncle Kevin haven't given me any water, or any food. They haven't even come in to check up on me.

Even though that wasn't the thing that was bothering me. It was the fact that they put me back in my old room. The one I still have nightmares about. They one I feared of seeing again. The I wished that would just burn down.

Now I'm back, and all those memories that I wished that would just go away, came back. Now I'm practically living in my nightmare. It really sucks.

There's no escape.

I actually had a chain wrapped around my wrist, and it was chained to the wall. I knew this was Uncle Kevin's doing, aunt Diana couldn't tie anything.

So, I stayed there. Suffered through the cold nights, and my growling stomach. My dry throat itching for something to soothe its dryness.

Luca's game had gotten me used to eating everyday, serval times a day. All good meals too. Now I'm not used to nothing. Not used to starving for days. I don't know if I can get used to it, since Luca had been caring for me for a while.

I shook my head. I missed him. I really did miss him. I've been trying to convince myself the entire time I for back that I didn't need him. I've only known his for a month and a half, and he's already gotten under my skin. Damn, he's good.

I wonder if he's doing okay? Does he feel betrayed? I never did come back to see him. He must of felt abandoned. He'll hate me. It's like Italy all over again.

I jumped back from my thoughts, as soon as I heard footsteps, slowly walking up the stairs. A cold shiver ran down my spine. Fear circled through my veins. Then, the door opened.

"Ready for our punishment?" Uncle Kevin said, he was hiding something behind his back. Aunt Diana was hiding something behind her's too.

I closed my eyes. "Don't close your eyes. We want to see the pain that they will hold." Aunt Diana said devilishly. I shook my head. "No, just let me go." I whispered. Uncle laughed. "Oh, we do plan on letting you go.... But not in the way your expecting."

I was confused. What could that mean? Uncle then cleared his throat, "okay, so let's move on to the fun part, ya?" He moved his hands, revealing something that contained horrid memories.

The cane.

Aunt Diana clapped her hands, dropping her weapon on the floor. I widened my eyes at hers. It wasn't as scary as the came, but it still hurt.

The whip.

I knew that this was going to hurt. "Okay, so we'll both use our items of torture, then we get to pick news ones after. Does that sound good to you?" Uncle Kevin asked.

I felt a tear slip, it rolled down my cheek, and hit the uncomfortable bed. "No...." I whimpered. Uncle Kevin's eyes went from amusement to anger. He raised his hand and hit me right in the stomach with his cane. I screamed in pain.

"Don't back talk me little girl. I can make you scream... A lot harder than you think I can." Then Aunt Diana moved in, using her whip on my bare arms. She laughed. "I'll whip your back later, I know that hurts a lot." I knew that they were going to do that for a while. Uncle Kevin hit me again. He was a lot tougher than aunt Diana. "Stop! Please, stop...." I sobbed. Uncle Kevin chuckled.

"Oh honey, we are just getting started."



"Sir, your not ready. Please get back into bed." The nurse pleased with me, but I had no intention to listen to her. Miya was gone... Again. She back stabbed me again. But this time, she's not going to be let off so easy. The nurse rolled her eyes and walked out of the room.

As soon as my feet touched the floor, Josh came in. "Hey, boss. Sorry about Miya." He said, there was regret in his eyes.

"It's not your fault Josh. Leave it be." I told him. He shook his head. "Yeah, but she lied to me. She left a note saying she'd be here, but she never showed...." Josh trailed. I cocked a brow. "Lied? But... She DID show up. She went to go get water ad bet came back." I explained.

Josh's head shot up. "But she still ran away. She still left us....."

I shook my head. "But why would she tell you where she was going, and then run away? It doesn't make any sense."

"I know. It's like... She wanted to be trailed." Josh spoke.

This wasn't right. "No, it's like she never meant to have left."

Why would Miya do something like this? Nothing made any sense. No, this is wrong. It wasn't right. There was die thing missing, something that didn't quite add up.

Miya wasn't stupid. She knew how to get away. She's already left for three months, and I only found out because i stayed awake for so many days... Straight.

Where could Miya be? Why would she leave? But if she hadn't meant to... That means....

I widened my eyes and looked over at Josh. He tilted his head in worry. "What is it Luca?" Fear laced through his words. He had that idea that something was wrong.

"Luca, what do you know?" He stood, then took a step closer to me. I shook my head. "No, but... Who?" I asked Josh. He raised his arms as if he was surrendering. "Who? What do you mean, who?" He asked.

Josh placed his hand on my shoulder. I looked at him and shook my head. "Josh...." I trailed, then closed my eyes. I exhaled, then opened them again. I spoke,

"Miya was kidnapped."



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