32. Luca Is coming.

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"No I do not!" I exclaimed, after Charlotte accused me of liking somebody. "Yes you do, you like Dante!" Charlotte laughed, and practically lost control of the wheel.

"Keep your eyes on the road!" I yelled at her, totally afraid that we would go soaring off the old road, and into a ditch somewhere. "Hey, you can't tell me how to drive" she spoke, keeping her eyes on the road, like I had told her to.

"Why not?" I asked her, sounding like a little kid who just got told off. "Because you don't have a drivers license." she laughed, but she focused on the road ahead of her. I crossed my arms and let my jaw drop, pretending to be offended. "My beginner's count.... right?" I asked, as if she would give the answer. She smiled, "What ever you say, baby."

Charlotte had long, straight, red hair. She had blue eyes, which sort of reminded me of Becky. She always had her hair in a ponytail, and didn't wear any makeup. Charlotte only wore sweats and bright colored tee shirts, and she was as tough as they come. She would take down men twice her size in any fight.

We had fifteen minutes before we got there, so Charlotte wanted to talk about sports. I thought sports was boring, but she didn't want to hear it. "The driver is the one in control. Of the wheel and of the conversations." she would say.

I used to all Charlotte a boy, sine she acted like one. Even though Charlotte would say, "girl's can like sports too, its not just some boy thing." She was correct, girls can like sports if they want to. Even though I still call her a dude, since I know that she takes great pride in being called a male.

So our conversation started on hockey, and by time we made it home, we were talking about baseball. Yep, she can cramp a whole bunch of sports into fifteen minutes.

We walked in the house. We knew Becky was home since she left the broom in the middle of the room. She normally did that when she wanted to remind me it was my turn to sweep the place. "Becky?" I sung out. "Yeah?" I heard her voice, she sounded really happy.

She walked out with a big smile on her face, and she had some cloth in her hand. "What is it Becky?" Charlotte asked. "I got a new job!" She exclaimed. I smiled and ran over to give her a hug. "Great, where are you working?" I asked her, letting her go.

Then her smile grew wider. "Remember when I told you I took a hair styling class?" she spoke. My eyes widened and I smiled. "Yeah?" I spoke, sounding overly excited. "I get to work down town in the hair salon! Right across from your diner!" she yelled. Then we all group hugged.

Then we left to go shopping, and have milkshakes.



"And we have landed, hope you enjoyed your flight." the captain spoke. I quickly got off the plane, leaving his luggage for his employees to get. "She's here, and we are going to find her." I spoke.

I trudged down through the hallway, passing everybody. Not even looking to see if my friends and workers were following. I didn't even want to glance at any of the people I bumped into, I didn't care. Miya was the only thing on my mind, and I plan on finding her.

What if she ratted out on us? Gave the cops our names, told them what we do? No, she wouldn't do that would she? But then again, she did run away from me, and I didn't think that she would ever do that. I thought I could trust her.

Oh god, look what I'm saying. Trusting a prisoner? No, I couldn't. I wouldn't. But I did. Miya was more than a prisoner. I don't know more she was, but I felt more. More than I ever did before, and I hating thinking that aloud. Did she play me? Or did I just THINK I felt this feelings. Maybe I'm just imagining my feelings.


There not real, they can't be.

I wiped the sweat of my forehead, and stepped out of the airport. We had bought a van, and had it brought here to the airport. I didn't like taxi's, I liked something that looked nicer, drove better, and was black. So, a van it was.

I hopped into the seat next to the driver, and waited it out. Josh was the one driving. I could drive, I just chose not to. If I don't have to, I won't. Josh finally slid in next me, and Sean and Alfesto got in the back.

"We finally got her, after three months." Sean spoke. "Three LONG months." Alfesto chimed in. "No kidding." Josh spoke, but I just stayed silent. She will regret ever crossing me. Nobody does that, and if they do, most of them end up dead.

Josh started driving, easily gliding on the road. "Okay, so Luca... what are you going to do when we do find her?" Sean asked. I smiled, "Make her wish she never left that hotel." I answered, feeling all good inside.

"So, what's the plan for when we get there?" Alfesto asked. I looked back at Alfesto for a moment and the focused on the road. I took in a deep breath, and then told them the plan.

"Okay. Josh is going to keep look out, to make sure nobody disturbs us while we work. Sean and Alfesto are going to take out her friends, you can stuff them in the back somewhere. While Miya, Miya is going to be stuck with me. I'm going to get her, and bring her back."

Alfesto nodded. "Okay, I'll sit with her friends on the drive back. " Alfesto spoke. Sean then said, "I'll sit up front with Josh, so you can sit with Miya. You know, have her all to herself." I flipped the bird at Sean, but he thought that was hilarious.

I rolled my eyes at him, and waited for the drive to be over. I have waited too long for this moment, and now I finally get to have her. I smiled at the thought, then closed my eyes.

Miya will be mine.



So, Luca is really trying to get her back! But was his feeling for her really just his imagination? Keep reading to find out what happens to Miya and Luca.

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<3 ;)

- Coridella13

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