40. Hunter or Prey?

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Yay! Chapter forty, I'm glad that story actually went this far. Thanks for reading to this point, it is appreciated. So, let's make this chapter very interesting...😉





I woke up and noticed that I was no longer in Luca's room. I sat up quickly and frantically check out my surroundings. This place was... New.

I looking around. It looked very closed off. There was no windows and there was no painting on the walls. The walls were metal. There was nothing comforting in that room. It reminded me of a jail cell, and I was on the wrong side of the bars.

I was starting to panic now. Where was I? Is Luca playing so sick joke on me? Because it ain't funny. Then it hit me.

Earlier today:

Then Josh sighed. "I just hope you can forgive me." He said. I squinted and furrowed my eyebrows. "What?" I asked, but something jabbed into my side. "It's Luca's orders Miya, I'm so, so sorry."

He pulled something out of my side. A needle. Then he carried me to the bed. Laying me down, I could see black. My vision, it was going. Leaving me. "Sleep, Miya. Sleep." He soothed.

I grew more and more tired as he told me to sleep. "Your going to be safe when you wake. Just remember that. You are safe."

Then my tiredness consumed me.

Josh gave me a sedative needle. Why? It's Luca's orders Miya, I am so, so sorry. Those were his words. Why would Luca want him to do this? Lock me in a metal room with no way to get out. And yes, I've already tried the door.

It was locked.

I started to panic. I mean, REALLY panic. I have been locked in a room before, but then I knew I was going to get out someday or someone would eventually come in to see me. Well, more like beat me but oh well.

I shook my head and searched around the room. Nothing. There was some food to eat and tons of water. However, there was nothing fun to do.

I rested on the bed, and thought some more. I am safe. That is what Josh had said. In some weird way, I trusted Josh, and I valued his opinion. Even if I hurt him by leaving I just feel like is words.... Matter.

I knew Sean was okay with me leaving. We never did see eye to eye, but we didn't fight like cats and dogs either. It was okay.

Luca was very protective, was disappointed but is pretty good now. He doesn't trust me like he used to, but I'll get it back. And I'll keep it that way.

But Al was a different story. He was probably really mad at me. I haven't seen him. Nope. It had been three months and I still haven't seen him. Maybe he's avoiding me. He probably hates me.

I'll have have to make it up to him. I'll have to. I just have to. Then I heard a faint click. Josh walked in, not Al. "Sorry Miya." He said. I shrugged. "Now we're even." I told him. He laughed.

"But...." I told him. Then walked towards him. Then I got on my tip toes so I could whisper in his ear. "... But i never settled for even. I grabbed his arm and moved his away from the door. He stumbled.

It was a move Al had taught me a while back. "Miya, what are you doing." He mumbled under his breath. I quickly ran out of the safe room, and a closed the door on Josh.

"Josh, I am so sorry." I whispered, even though I knew here was no way he could hear me.

I ran down through a hallway that I didn't even know existed. I continued to run down, until did come to a familiar place. Luca's room.

I passed it quickly, now knowing where I was. But then I heard an unfamiliar voice. "Going somewhere?"

I wiped around to see someone I've never seen before. "Who are you?" I asked, letting arms hang limp at my sides. "Names Jack, and you... Your Miya. I can't wait to have you." He licked his lips, and I shivered. Gross.......

"Excuse me? Why would you ever have me?" I asked, voice shaky. He laughed. "Oh honey, I'm going to take you, Luca isn't going to be able to keep you forever. You'll be mine before you know it."

I gasped. "No, that will never happen." I whispered. He shook his head yes. "Honey, yes it will. I always thought Mrs. Forgio sounded much better than Mrs. Colt. Don't you think?" He spoke.

I froze. He took one step closer and showed off his gun. Pretty much giving me a warning. If you run, I'll shoot you. That's the message that was pouring off him.

He took another step towards me, and now he was only five feet away from my body. That's when I felt someone's arms wrap around my body. A familiar scent. One I was used too. One I missed.


I closed my eyes and savoured the moment. He brought his lips to my ear,
"I always thought Mrs. Colt sounded better." He spoke, and I didn't shiver, nor did I move. I didn't want to. I rested my head back on his chest. "Luca... Are you okay?" I asked him.

He didn't say a word, and I knew he was still upset. He didn't mean to speak to me the way he did earlier, so now he was preventing that from. Happening. He wouldn't speak to me.

I shivered when I felt his hand slip away from my waist. He stood in front of me, as if he was some kind of human shield. "Stay close." Was all he said, before switching his gaze back to Jack.

I stepped close to him, gripping onto the soft fabric of his shirt. "Okay, Luca... Giver her to me, and I'll make sure she doesn't have to watch you die." Jack suggested, pretty bad suggestion if you ask me.

"No, how about you get your men to leaved, so that way, they won't watch you die." Luca mocked Jack, and I don't think Jack appreciated it all that much.

"I don't like wasting time, so let's just go straight to the fun part." Jack spoke, the raised his fun towards Luca. Luca went to raise his but Jack had warned him, "if you move an inch I'll blow your brains out and shot the girl."

Luca raised a brow. "I thought you wanted to keep her?" He didn't even care that he was just threatened. That he was told that he would die. He worried about me. He was thinking about my safety.

"A shot in the knee won't kill her. Trust me, i can still have fun with her, even if she can't stand on one leg." He told Luca. Luca growled. "What? I like to compromise." He Jack laughed.

"Don't even think about hurting her, your not aloud to. The day I find out you touched her I'll...." But Luca didn't finish his sentence. Then there was a very loud sound that filled my ears.

And a pool of blood at my feet.

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