17. Jealous

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"Alfesto, downstairs. I don't want to see you right now." Luca sounded very agitated. His day must of been very long and nerve wrecking. He looked like he did not want to deal with anything. I think Al noticed it too because he walked towards the door without saying anything to Luca.

"See you later Al." I spoke quietly.

"You got it, M." he smiled.

Luca looked mad. "Al? M? What, now you got pet names for each other? Miya why?" he sounded like I betrayed him or something. We weren't together, so why did he care? Luca switched his gaze to Alfesto. "And you Alfesto, you know how upset Eleanor will be when she finds out about this thing between the two of you."

I looked at Luca and drew my eyebrows down. "Um, Ellie knows. She hangs with Al and I sometimes." I told him, Holding on to my confidence. Luca cocked an eyebrow. "Oh, really? She would like it if she wound out that you were getting really close to her boyfriend? Maybe I should ask her..." he trailed off, turning to leave the room.

"No! I'm not in that kind of relationship with Al, it's just.... wait, Ellie's your girlfriend." I sounded surprised, and Luca stopped walked. Al looked over to face me. He smiled. "Yeah, she's really great." he ran his fingers through his hair as his cheeks went red. "Aw! I had no idea. I'm so happy for you two." I sounded a little too excited but I really didn't care.

"Thanks, Miya. I'll catch ya later." He spoke, and then he was gone. Luca walked towards me quickly, and grabbed my wrist before I could even turn to leave. "Luca, let go of me." I told him. He roughly pulled me towards him, and grabbed the back of my neck with his other hand. "You are to stay with me, and shut up will ya?" He ordered, dragging me out of the room.

I tried to fight against him, I really did. However, he was too strong. He brought me to a familiar room. HIS room. He threw me in, and he turned to lock the door. I didn't fall, I was able to catch up with my feet. I turned around, and saw Luca leaned up against the door, huffing and puffing. He looked like the big bad wolf, and he was looking at me as if I was the next little pig he was going to chew on.

"Miya, don't try to get me angry by hanging with Alfesto. You hear me?" he sounded really angry. "I was trying to get you mad." I told him. "Good, because it won't work." he pointed out, but it was a lie. "Oh really? Then why are you so angry now?" I spoke, and his green eyes looked deeply into my brown ones.

"What was that?" he asked, daring me to say it again. I shook my head. "Nothing." He drew his eyebrows down. "Oh, it wasn't nothing. It was something." he growled, then pushed his body off the door and slowly walked towards me. I didn't want to stand there and let him beat me at his game.

So, I backed up.

Into a freaking wall. Not the first time. When he reached me, he grabbed my hands and grabbed something out of the drawer the way next to him. He pulled out... oh god... rope. "Luca, please! Don't, you don't have to!" I tried to reason with him, but he wouldn't listen.

He quickly took my hands and wrapped the rope around them. "Luca! Stop!" I was yelling, trying to pull my hands away. yet, I was no match for someone as muscular as him. Al was toned, but he wasn't as strong as Luca. Nobody was as strong as Luca.

When my hands were banded together, he grabbed them and raised them up over my head. Now tying me some sort of hook that was on his wall. He was tying me to the freaking wall.

"Luca! Let go of me! Right now!" I was yelling, screaming. He did step back. Only because his deed was done. He back away from me, and sized me up and little bit. "Luca, knock it off." I spoke tiredly. "No, you and 'Al' need to knock it off" he mocked me. I grumbled at his words. "Now." He began. "I'm going to show you what you get for hanging with MY best friend without me knowing. That is, if he still is my best friend." Luca spoke.

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