62. Wedding.

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Our wedding day. In the Mafia, marriage means forever. There's no such thing as divorce when you marry a Mafia man. This commitment... actually means "until death do us part."

I'm in the dressing room with Eleanor, Charlotte, and Jackie. Jackie is one of the maids that work for Luca, and we actually became friends. These three girls where my bridesmaids, and Josh, Sean, and Al were Luca's groomsmen. Well, Al was the best man but.. you know what i mean!

"Oh my god, girls. I am so nervous!" i say, trying to find some paper towel so i wouldn't sweat so much. "Miya! You'll be fine, girl. Your finally getting yourself a man." said Eleanor. Then Charlotte looked out he door to get a peek at everybody. She closed the door quickly and whistled at me.

"A good looking one too, wow!" I glared at her, as if i was saying, he's-my-man-all-mine. She laughed then asked Jackie to zip up her dress. Luca and I both decided that the dresses should be red and black. Since they looked the nicest.

Charlotte loved the length of the dress, Jackie loved the design of the top, and Eleanor loved the black ribbon around her waist

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Charlotte loved the length of the dress, Jackie loved the design of the top, and Eleanor loved the black ribbon around her waist. So, either way, there was a part of the dress that each of the girls liked about it.

"So, Luca's wearing a tux, right??" Jackie asked, adjusting her ribbon. Charlotte nodded quickly, "And he looks some fine in it too!" she says, then laughs again. I haven't seen Luca all day, and it kind of sucks. We aren't aloud to see each other until the moment i walk down the aisle.

That's when I hear a familiar voice. "Ah! Where's the bride, let me through!" He says. As he pushes through the girls, I see Damtroz with his black tux and RED tie. I smile when he walks over to me and grabs my hand.

"You look beautiful." He compliments then kisses my hand softly. I quickly raise my hand up to my check and say, "thank you." He grins, then asks, "are you ready?" I think for a moment.


I couldn't be more sure about anything in my life. I was MEANT to become Mrs.Colt.

First the girls walk down the isle, and then it was my turn. Damatroz was to walk me down the aisle to Luca. He was the one who was going to give me away, since I didn't have anyone else too. He was like... The closet thing I have to a father.

And he keeps Luca and order.

It's actually quite funny. As I entered the room I saw Luca's eyes immediately go to me. My dress was a long white, gown with a lace top. It was a sleeveless and I knew he would love it.

He smiled, and when Damatroz left to go sit down... I stepped closer to him. His smile grew wider. I watched Al whisper something in Luca's ear, and Luca fought back a laugh...

And probably the urge to hit him.

I chuckled, then stood in front of Luca. Then the ceremony began... And it was the most beautiful... And the most wonderful thing ever.

After the ceremony

Finally! I was now the new Mrs.Colt. Luca had given a long, soft and sweet kiss at end of the ceremony. If he didn't have my arm held, I would fell halfway down the aisle.

That's when we had to go to the supper, and the dance. The dance was amazing. Our song was "a thousand years" and it was freaking magical. There was nothing wrong with the dance.

But then when the song was over... Luca pulled me in for a hot kiss that had my knees wobble. Then I had to make my way off the dance floor....

In heels.

I fell down, bumped into Al, who spilled his drink on Sean. Sean threw his hands up in the air... Which his Josh in the face. Josh backed up into Damatroz... Who crossed his arms and looked dead serious. All three boys froze... Then walked away without another word. It was hilarious.

This night couldn't get any better...

At the end of the night.

"Luca... That was amazing." I told him, as I threw my heels across the room. He laughed... This grabbed my waist and threw me on the bed.

I bounced once, and he was on top of me. A little faster and rougher than I thought he would. He burrowed his face into my neck and nibbled on the skin. I whimpered, but gasped when he said.

"Let me have you."

I widened my eyes, and was about to say "no." But I didn't WANT to say no. I probably should of... But I didn't. I just nodded. "Say it." He says, and makes a low sound in his throat. "Yes." I say nervously.

Then he smirks, and takes me.


I know.. Another short chapter... But this story will almost be over...but not yet. There will be another chapter.



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