|04| - The Leader

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"It's your turn to do the groceries

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"It's your turn to do the groceries. Come on, it's not even that bad," Nancy complained from her comfortable position on a couch.

"Why don't you do it then?"

"Because I always do it. And you need to meet some cute boys so chop chop. Let's go, young lady," she gestures and rushes her to the door.

"Bye, cow."

"Oh, haven't heard that in a long-" she wasn't able to finish because Ellie already smashed the door of their apartment right in front of her face.

"Rude bitch."

Being ready as much as she'll ever be to face her destiny and do the groceries for today, Ellie went to the small shop nearby. She couldn't help it but feel strange for the whole way there.

Ellie was well known for her good instincts and now it clearly felt as if someone was following her.

She quickly grabbed all the groceries she had on her list and went to the cashier to pay. When she turned around, she thought her senses were trying to fool her because she swore she had seen Taehyung enter the shop with some other person who was wearing a hood.

She quickly payed, grabbed her bags and ran from the shop. She got into some unknown part of the street and when she turned to look behind her, something grabbed her by her hips and held some object dangerously close to her bare neck.

"What the-"

"Long time no see, right?"

She blamed herself for not reacting faster and saving herself somehow. It was too late when she heard the voice which never seemed to leave her head.

"What the fuck, Jeon?" she screamed while trying to free herself from his strong grip. But of course the fucking muscle pig was too damn strong against her tiny arms.

"One word and I'll cut that beautiful neck of yours," he whispered in a low voice, right into her ear, making her shiver.
"It's been a while, right? 4 months or so?"

"Yes, the happiest 4 months without seeing your face..." She mumbled and looked up, seeing Taehyung running towards them.

"Aish, Jeongguk-ah! Which part of 'bring her untouched' didn't you understand?" the boy complained to Jeongguk.

"That's how we treat traitors," he said to him.

"We don't even know if it was her." Taehyung still tried to protect Ellie.

"We'll find out," Jeongguk said as he grabbed her even more firmly and motioned her body towards the black car.


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