|10| - Back to his moody side

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"You can come here, Gguk-ah. He left," Taehyung called for Jeongguk to come to the living room.

"Fucking finally. I don't think he'd survive being in the same building as me much longer." He threw himself onto the couch next to Taehyung and Ellie, stretching his legs out.

"Yeah, the man is a disgusting liar."
Taehyung also made himself comfortable, letting his head relax on Ellie's shoulder.
"Are you okay?" he then asked her, seeing her blankly staring at the wall.

"Yeah, just...surprised a bit. I can't believe he's been lying like that. All those years, and I believed him. I was so stupid." She would cry but she was too tired, and for once, she wanted to be strong.

"You're not stupid. You didn't know." Taehyung positioned himself so he was now sitting on a couch, facing her. He took her hands into his and made her look at him.

"You couldn't know, Ellie," he said softly, making her calm down. He was good at these things.

They didn't even realise, but when they looked around seconds later, Jeongguk wasn't there anymore.


"Hi." Ellie peaked through the door of Jeongguk's room an hour later.

"What do you want?" he groaned while seeming to be focused on something on his phone.

'Great, looks like he's back to his self,' she thought.

"I wanted to thank you, you know, for earlier. I didn't say it before," she said quietly after entering the room.

"Yeah, whatever," he said as he stood up and threw his phone back on the bed.

"Where are you going?" Her eyes followed him as he was walking around the room from one wardrobe to another.

"None of your business." He put on a leather jacket and grabbed his buzzing phone.

"Why are you acting like a jerk again?" Ellie stood frozen on her place, being taken aback by his sudden change of mood.

Who said girls are the moody ones when Jeon Jeongguk exists.

"Look," he made a few steps closer to her, seeming mad. His cologne hit her nostrils, "what I did earlier, was just because I owed it to your brother, okay? So don't get any fake hopes up. We're not friends." He then left her in the room alone.


"Do you know where the moodyass is?" Ellie asked after watching the second episode of My little pony with Taehyung. Who would say a tough gang member was a fan of these things.

"You mean Jeongguk?" He laughed at the nickname.

"Do you have any other moodyasses in your gang?" she asked ironically, hoping for the answer to be no because she had no nerves to deal with another version of Jeongguk. "I hope not."

"He's probably in a bar somewhere, looking for someone to get laid. He never had problem with that though. He should be back soon."

Ellie looks at the clock, it was already midnight and he still hasn't come back.

Yes, Jeongguk may be the biggest jerk Ellie knows but she still couldn't help it but be worried about him.

"We should go out and socialise."
She couldn't think of a better way to persuade Taehyung to go out and look for the younger. Also, she didn't really want to be too obvious in front of him.

"Why so suddenly? It's late, Ell," he sighed as he stretched himself on the couch, putting one of the pillows on his face. He clearly wasn't very happy about her idea.

"Come on, it will be fun. Pleeeease?" she begged with a pair of puppy eyes.

"You're lucky I can't say no to cute women," he sighed as he stood up from the couch and went to her bedroom to change.


"Where do you want to go anyways?" Tae asked when they were seated in his car.

"I don't know. A bar?" she looks up at him, not sure if he'll agree or not.

"As you wish. But don't get used to this," he warned before putting his seatbelt on and starting the car.

So they drove through the city, the night street lamps letting some light in through black windows of the car

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So they drove through the city, the night street lamps letting some light in through black windows of the car.

"Do you have any specific bar on your mind?" he asked after a while of silence, which wasn't uncomfortable to them, because he was the type of person Ellie felt comfortable with even if they were both quiet.

"Not really. I don't go to those often."
The truth was that she's never been in a bar before. The first time was with Jackson, who turned out to be one of his brother's enemies at the end.

People at her age would usually visit bars daily, but she was an exception, because she always wanted to be a good girl her father could be proud of. But those times were gone now.

"Okay then. I have a specific one on mind, but Jeongguk's not gonna like it." He looked at her for an approval, which was given with a slight smirk.

"Let's do it."

"That's what I like to hear." A playful smirk appeared on his face as well and he turned the car to the right to an old road.

Ellie didn't know what Taehyung was planing, but if Jeongguk could annoy the living hell out of her, then why shouldn't she do the same?

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