[28] - Friends?

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One thing Ellie learned about Jeongguk was that he either came exactly on time or an hour later, there was nothing in between. Luckily, this time it was the first option.

He came just a few minutes after texting her that he would come which surprised her since the ride from their mansion took almost 20 minutes and he made it in less than 10. Ellie wondered if he was already on the way here when he texted her. But what she wanted to know the most was what he wanted to talk about.

She opened the door for him as soon as he knocked. Ellie was already expecting him so there was no need to ring and wake up all the neighbours.

"Hi," the smiling boy stood there as she opened the door.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" he asked as he placed the bag he brought on the table and sat down on a couch.

"School..." she sighed and sat down on the carpet, a usual place she chose to sit.
"What about you?" she asked.

"Nothing really. Just many things on my mind lately," he sighed and looked at her, silence filling the room. She would question his answer but her yawn signalised she was really tired.

"Come here," he suddenly said and stood up to sit on the couch right behind her, placing her body between his legs. She remained silent but a quiet moan escaped her mouth as soon as she felt his strong warm hands on her back.

"Woah, no moaning, princess," he ordered in surprise, the sudden sound making him gulp hard.

She covered her eyes in humiliation but as soon as she felt Jeongguk's hands continue to massage her back, she sighed deeply again, focusing on his gentle touch only. It was weird, how a single touch made her whole body relax.

Later, she fell asleep on a couch and Jeongguk carried her to her bed. When he gently placed her down, and pulled the sheets over her, he kissed her forehead softly and whispered a 'good night'.
She wished she was more awake to hear it.

This wasn't the first night Jeongguk spent at Ellie's place but it was the first time they hung out as friends, real friends.

And so, it continued like that.
Sometimes Jeongguk would just appear at Ellie's door after lunch and they'd talk about anything, or other times when he'd come around 9 pm to have a movie marathon. He did no longer need to have a reason to come, he just texted her that he's bored and if she was free, he would come to hang out.

It was weird, how much the man has changed. Of course, he still had his "being a total jerk" times, but mostly, he was just really chill and easy to talk to.

Ellie was still a bit confused, mainly because she was the type of the person who wouldn't let people close easily. She was careful, always, she chose wisely who to believe and who to rather keep an eye on.

Later, she found herself relaxed and openminded around Jeongguk, she did no longer need to watch her words and it felt really good, having a friend except Nancy and Steven who she could talk to.

Of course, those relationships were completely different.

As for Nancy and Steven, she used to tell them what bothered her and all those meaningful thoughts while on the other side, Jeongguk was the unbothered one with who she could just forget the real world and focus on the movie or whatever bizarre they were discussing. They were each other's distraction, a place where they didn't care about anything.

They never planned anything, it always just happened, and they somehow ended up together. One time, Jeongguk would come with a take away food, another time he'd text her to open the door in the middle of the night and she'd find him with a xxl cup of ice cream. The boy clearly knew what she liked.

During the time they've spent together, she learned few things about Jeongguk, but he still somehow remained a big mystery to her. And she wanted to get through him, there was just something really interesting about the so-called cold-hearted boy.

It was like that for a month or so, they used to hangout around three times a week. It would probably be even more often if Ellie still didn't have school or hadn't been going out with Steven and Nancy. And Jeongguk also, being a part of a gang, had many things he needed to take care of.


It was a calm Friday night and Ellie was getting ready to go out with Steven.

"Hi, get dressed. I planned something for us," Jeongguk suddenly appeared inside her room. She should really change the entrance password.

"Jeongguk, I can't today..." she apologised and watched the excitement from before fade away.

"Why? Where are you going?" he bawled, looking at how dressed up she was.

"Out with Steven, it's his name day," she said carefully, scared of his reaction because it was clear he still didn't like him much. Not a bit to be honest.

"Oh...Will it be just the two of you?"

"Yeah, I guess."

Jeongguk remained silent, she watched as he gulped, his gaze pointed at the floor where he put his backpack.

"What's wrong Gguk?" she asked but there was no answer from him.

"I am sorry, I will be free tomorrow if it's important," she continued in a soothing voice, feeling sorry for dumping him because he clearly looked excited when he came and she ruined it.

"No, it's fine. It can wait. Be careful," he said and turned to the door to leave as if nothing happened but Ellie knew there was something bothering him. He didn't even look at her when leaving the room but she grabbed his hand which he shook away immediately.

"I said it's fine!" he suddenly turned around and raised his voice. It surprised her, he haven't done this for a long time.

"Have fun," he added a bit more calmly now and left. She called after him but when she looked outside to the hall, he was already gone.

She sighed and went back inside to the bathroom to get ready. No matter how hard she tried, for some strange reason, she still couldn't get Jeongguk out of her mind. She looked at herself in the mirror and wondered. She's still the same. Nothing changed, she's still disappointing everyone.

Looking at herself, she felt like crying, mad at herself for being so weak. Then suddenly a loud sound was heard, followed by the glass breaking. The mirror right in front of her was broken, she jumped back, body pushed to the wall.

She was breathing heavily, took a step forward to take a look at the small thing caught inside the mirror frame. A bullet. She looked up, eyes widening in panic then a door was kicked open, followed by a scream.

"Get down!" she heard and before she could turn around, much weight was thrown at her from behind, making her fall to the ground. She kept her eyes shut tightly, she heard someone's breathing and a heartbeat. She opened her eyes and found herself safely laid on a firm chest.

"J-Jeongguk?" her breath got caught in her throat.

"Shit, are you okay?" he looked at her on his chest, cupping her face with his warm palms, checking if she's hurt.

"Y-yes, what's-" she muttered, completely terrified.

"Stand up, we need to go now!" he screamed, standing up and pulling her with him.

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