|78| - She has some balls

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"Is he still mad?" Jimin whispers to Taehyung, carefully taking glances at the youngest sitting opposite him.

"Pass me the salt," Jeongguk tells, ignoring the two.

"What's the magic word?"

"Or else..."

"That's two words but point taken," Taehyung gulps, obediently passing the salt to Jeongguk before turning back to Jimin and whispering.
"He is."

"Does anyone know where Ellie's going?" Namjoon asks the three youngest sitting at the table when he comes to the kitchen.

"Why would she?" Yoongi's voice is heard when he walks inside the room, clearly catching Namjoon's question on the way.

"I don't know, her door was slightly open when I was walking by and she was straightening her hair."

"I am sure she'll come tell me," the leader says, sitting down next to Jimin. "You two tell me about that guy from the morning."

Jeongguk takes the chance to vanish without being noticed while Yoongi's busy listening to the two explaining about how they almost got killed again today and rushes up the stairs to Ellie's room to check the situation by himself.

"Are we going somewhere?" Jeongguk's voice comes from behind Ellie and she sees his head already peeking through the door with a curious expression.

Of course he didn't knock.

"I am just going to Nancy's," Ellie answers, not paying much attention to him while putting a make up on and that's exactly why he grabs her by the hips and turns her around to face him.

"Oh, are you really?" he asks with a smirk, only centimetres away from her.

"You really are in need for attention, aren't you, Jeon?" she giggles.

"I am always trying to get your attention but thanks for noticing," rolling his eyes and letting go of her, he throws himself on her bed.

"I literally just made the bed..." she sighs, cursing him out on the inside.

"Don't complain or you'll have to change the sheets as well once I am done with you."

"In your dreams."

He decides to ignore her remark and instead watches her get ready in the mirror. She tries not to pay attention to his dark eyes which are carefully studying her each move.

"Why are you even going with her?"

"She needs me to help her with the preparations for tomorrow. She's going to meet her boyfriend's parents. They are in town visiting and she wants to impress them."

"Maybe she should hire some better woman to go meet them instead," he smiles.

"That's why she said you aren't allowed to come."

"What? Why not?" he quickly sits on the bed and looks at Ellie in the mirror.

"Because you'd pick on her the entire time."

"Me?" he pretends to be offended.

"Yes, you. I will be back later."

"You won't if I don't let you," he teases from the bed and Ellie, turning to look at his satisfied grin as he's comfortably laying with arms behind his head, throws her bag on him. Surprisingly to them both, he doesn't catch the bag as it lands on his stomach and lets out a way too dramatic groan.

"That really wasn't necessary, Ell," he says, looking upset.

"That's for being a meanie."

"You'll make up for that-"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞.||Jungkook&BTSWhere stories live. Discover now