[24] - what the fuck happened to jeongguk

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"Jeongguk if you're taking me to McDonalds as a cover to kill me later, I swear I am gonna kick your crotch harder this time," Ellie said in a panicked voice while Jeongguk just bursted out of laughter.

She freezed for a while, replaying the sound in her head.

'So this is what his laugh sounds like,' she thought, eyes focused on him.

"Jesus calm down, I wouldn't waste my coupons on you if I was planing to kill you afterwards," he said at what both laughed again.

"Aren't you like super rich?"

"I am not gonna let my coupons go to waste."

"Can we just go to drive in?" she spoke after a while.

"No, we're eating inside."

"Jeongguk, pleeease. I can't go to public like this," Ellie whined cutely and pierced her eyes onto Jeongguk who looked back at her.

"Don't worry, princess," he said with a smile, stopping the car and taking his jacket off.
"I have everything planned," he had passed her the jacket which she hesitantly took from him.
"This will help you cover up."

'Did Jeongguk just give me his jacket?! His expensive ass jacket!' she screamed inside.

"Thank you..." she thanked shyly, bowing her head down to avoid Jeongguk's stare.

"Let's go, trendsetter," he said to which she reacted with a deadly gaze.

"Ah whaat?" Jeongguk whined with the biggest smile on his face. It made him look like a child. A cute one.

"Very funny, Jeon," she smashed his arm in return since he couldn't stop laughing but groaned in pain as she hit him. The girl was strong, indeed.

"You can go find us a table. I'll order for us."

Ellie raised her eyebrows as Jeongguk said that. This wasn't the Jeongguk she knew, the one who wanted nothing but to kill her.

She made her way towards the last empty table for two in the back. Sitting there, she started playing with her fingers, confused by the fact that she was there.
Getting lunch.
With Jeongguk.
Wearing his jacket.

She looked up and saw Jeongguk with a plate full of food coming to the table. Quickly collecting herself, she smiled a bit at the boy.

"How did you know this is my favourite?" Ellie's mouth dropped as soon as he came to the table with her favourite hamburger on the plate.

"You literally kept fantasising about it for the whole ride," he giggled while taking the empty seat in front of her.

"Damn, you're right." She didn't even realise how excited she was to finally take a bite of her favourite hamburger.

"By the way," he said while taking a bite of his own burger, "I never thought if I'd take a girl to McDonalds, she'd want a hamburger. They usually want salads everywhere they go, you know," he laughed at the imagination but freezed once he saw Ellie's face.

"You really didn't have to make the fact that you take all your night stands here so obvious," she snapped at him, not looking at him anymore but focusing on her precious food.

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