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"Elizabeth Cooper get your ass here!"

The best thing to wake up to. Ellie lazily threw the sheets off of her and looked at the time.

7 am. Great. Nancy could have at least screamed sooner so she wouldn't be late to school - 'Oh shit. Jeongguk!' the realisation hit her like a slap and she immediately ran out of her room, hoping to not see the scenario which popped up in her head - Jeongguk sleeping on a couch (maybe even shirtless) and Nancy being ready to attack him with a pan (wait, that sounds more like something Ellie would do).

But luckily, there was just Nancy standing in the living room, her finger already pointed at Ellie.

"You have some explaining to do. Again!" Nancy said in a high-pitched voice but the first thing to catch Ellie's attention was the couch, empty couch, and a neatly wrapped blanket on it.

"Explain what exactly?" she knew Nancy found out about Jeongguk even though he probably didn't leave any traces behind but still, Ellie tried to act like he never stepped a feet into this apartment.

"Let's start with why Jeongguk was here?" Nancy asked with arms crossed on her chest. She looked like a mother in this position. A very strict one to be concrete.

Okay, Ellie is taking back what she said. The damn man definity left some traces.

"How did you find out?" she asked with a defeated sigh.

"It wasn't that difficult since we met right when he was leaving. Now get back to your explanation."

"He just slept here because Yoongi told him to take me home. There's no need to investigate, okay?" Ellie said while tying her hair into a bun, hoping to calm down the situation.

Thank god Nancy already knew about her brother or it'd be much harder to explain.

"You're too young to have guys sleep over. Especially a guy like him. And mainly if I am not here."

"Really Nancy? I am literally few months younger than you!"

(this screams jimin and taehyung energy)

"Still younger. And secondly, what the hell is this?" Nancy held up a paper note, one which Ellie hasn't seen before.

"What's that?" she asked as Nancy handed her the paper which seemed to have a message on it.

'Uhm, hi. I am not good at writing and also I don't really know what I wanted to say, so just thank you for letting me stay. I left you some toasts in the fridge so, yeah, hope they'll be eatable. Thank you again, see you

'Wait is he actually being kind? Jeongguk and being kind? That doesn't even match.' Ellie thought after reading the note.

"And I kicked his balls yesterday..." she facepalmed herself.

"You did what?!" Nancy shouted after spilling the water she was drinking.

"He was being a douche."

"This doesn't seem like a douche to me," Nancy said as she grabbed the note back from Ellie's hands.

"Well, I saw him sucking some girl's face last weekend and then he tried to kiss me yesterday," Ellie stated and her roommate freezes, putting the cup back on the table before constating:
"Okay, kicking his balls maybe wasn't at place. But for the next time, a slap will be enough. That...part of the man body can be very sensitive."

"Yeah, you know quite a lot about that," Ellie said with evilish smile and took the toasts from Jeongguk.

"Pardon?" Nancy couldn't believe what the younger dared to say.

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