|75| - Time to be serious

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The ride back home was somewhat quiet. The good mood Jeongguk's had and Ellie was gifted with was ruined by the fucking Steven.

Tonight, Ellie was glad he drove her to his apartment instead of back home. Yoongi would be so disappointed if he saw her this drunk, and the walls of Jeongguk's apartment will at least keep her safe until the morning comes.

He seems quiet, way too quiet and distant. Ellie hates when he's like this. Mainly now when she especially wants him to be close to her. Damn, she really is cuddly when drunk.

Ellie hopes he comes back to his senses once she leaves the shower, or even screams at her, she doesn't care. Everything is better than silence.

Leaving the bathroom, she doesn't find him in the living room like she expected. Instead, she walks to his bedroom and finds him there, lying on top of his large black bed.

"I will give you my t-shirt," he mutters, not looking at her for longer than just a second when she walks in, Jeongguk already pulling the clothing over his head.

"Thanks," she whispers shyly.

"It's okay. I have seen you before, remember?" he says, while she tries to safely pull the shirt over her head without showing her naked body underneath the towel. She especially tries to hide the marked skin he still hasn't seen because of how dark it was that night.

It's been so long.

"Why are we like this?" Ellie asks after a moment, sadness evident in her doe eyes.

"Like what?"

"Distant...Are you mad at me?" she asks, noticing his absentminded state.

"No," he mutters.

Thankfully, he doesn't try to get away from her when she sits on the bed next to him.

"Okay, you are."

"I am not mad at you," he sighs, massaging her shoulders. "I am mad at that asshole."

"Sorry for that."

He chuckles, cutely shaking his head in disbelief.

"You really need to stop apologising for him."

"I am not apologising for him. I just don't want you to be grumpy," she pouts and he can't help it but lean closer to place a soft kiss on her cheek.

Ellie is distracted. It's hard not to be when all she sees is Jeongguk's perfectly toned chest right in front of her. He was sweet to give her his t-shirt but he hasn't put on a another one yet. His sweatpants are also hanging way too low, revealing the waistband of his black Calvin Klein boxers. Not that she's complaining, because who would be?

"I am not grumpy. Just tense," he tilts his head to the side slightly, watching her curious eyes study his skin.

"I guess I am kinda eye-catching," Jeongguk smirks and she's convinced she can get some kind of sexual gratification just from staring at him if she tries hard enough.

"You are blushing, princess," he giggles and she's just about to smack his chest when he catches her hand and pulls her closer to him.

All air from the room seems to disappear when their breaths hit each other's lips and melt. Ellie would still surely try to convince herself they're just friends but this was far from what friends do.

Their eyes never leave each other and the black in Jeongguk's eyes only darkens as his breath becomes heavy. This is the effect they have on each other. Neither of them can think clear.

He stares down at Ellie's lips before looking back into her big eyes.

"Do you want to kiss as bad as I do right now?" his voice comes out much huskier than usual, making a wave of shivers run down Ellie's spine.

She surprises him when she's the first one to press her soft lips against his. The moment they connect, they know there's nothing bad in the world around them. It's just the two of them, in the beautiful world of theirs where they don't have to fight against the whole world.

Ellie caught him by surprise but he soon takes control over her lips and body as he pulls her to his lap by the secure hands on her hips. Her legs automatically wrap around his torso, closing the remaining space between their chests.

"I love my clothes on you," he whispers between the kisses, knowing just how much she loves it when she feels his lips tremble against hers.

Finally, she gets the chance to satisfy her deepest fantasies when her hands make their way down to the muscles on his chest. One of her hands goes to his hair while the other rests just over where his heart is beating.

It's beating so fast.

She realises and pulls away as if his lips suddenly started to burn, hands falling to her side.

"What?" he asks in confusion, taking deep breaths.

"Your heart...it's beating so fast."

"It always is whenever I am around you."

She tries to put some distance between their burning bodies but he doesn't allow her. He won't let her slip away when he's so close to finally having her. Not again.

And for Ellie, she knows there's no way this is going to end up well.

"Let me love you, Ellie," Jeongguk's words come out softer than the most calming sounds people fall asleep to. His voice, his eyes, so comforting and sincere, she can't wrap her head around it.

Jeongguk still is an unsolved mystery for her and she feels like this is just the way he is. Closed, only showing her what he wants to show but even through all that, she still hopes there may be a chance, maybe not now, maybe not tomorrow,  but one day, he may finally open up to her and show the real self from behind the mask. The caring soul he only allows a few to see.

"Is that your wish from the bet?" she asks in a small voice, feeling extremely vulnerable under his eyes.

"It's been my wish for so long. Just let me show you how I can be, without pushing me away. I know you may not believe me, but it's true that I never wanted to try and be better for anyone until I met you. And to be honest, it scares the shit out of me, what you do to me."

As romantic as it sounds, they stare into each other's eyes, seeing their own expression inside the other and Ellie knows, she has completely fallen for this dangerous man in front of her.


"Okay what?"

"Show me then."

And as the words were finally spoken out loud, they both knew their life wouldn't ever be the same again.

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