|41| - A cloud of happiness

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"Didn't hyung tell you? I am going with you."

Seeing the terrified expression on Ellie's face, he chuckled and pinched her cheek, mumbling an 'I am kidding' and she could finally let out the breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Thank you for the ride, kid," Yoongi who came closer to the two said as he pulled the younger to his chest. "Be a good boy at home and don't stress Jin hyung too much," he smiled, bumping Jeongguk's hat and walking towards the gate, starting a conversation with some worker.

"Well, aren't you going to give me a hug?" Jeongguk started playfully, eyebrows raised.

"Do you deserve one?" Ellie raised her eyebrows as well. She knew she should play him back.

"For being your handsome protector? I deserve much more than that," he said with a chuckle, smirking as he put his hands into the pockets of his pants, but he still waited.

He wanted her to come to him, and she considered it for a while. Eventually, she sighed and her shoulders dropped, walking towards the staring boy.

When Ellie wrapped her hands around him, not knowing what to expect back from him but to her surprise, he pulled her in before she could even touch him. Jeongguk suddenly radiated a completely different energy once his arms were around her, it was very calming.

She rested her head in the crook of his neck, breathing in the addicting scent of the dangerous Jeon Jeongguk. He had his head placed on top of her head, their height difference ideal for these types of hugs.

"Be careful," he mumbled into her hair and she nodded, still not used to hearing something like this escape Jeongguk's mouth.

He placed a soft kiss into her hair, but she was too caught back from the whole situation that she didn't even notice.

"Wow, what a beautiful sight which I'd never thought I would see," they heard Yoongi's voice in the background and both pulled away, Jeongguk not really bothered while Ellie was fully panicking.

"Don't burn my house, Gguk-ah," Yoongi smiled one last time, while taking his sister's hand and slowly leading them towards the gate.

"Have a safe flight you two," Jeongguk called after them and waved before putting hands back into his pockets and walking towards the exit.


The siblings were comfortably seated in a plane, 1st class, only the best for the hard-working man and his loved sister.

They were still holding each other's hand, not even realising they've been since they entered the plane. It felt so natural that none of them thought about letting go. This was going to be the best trip, Ellie could feel it in her bones.

They were already in the air, many miles above the ground, flying between the clouds. There was a calming melody coming out of the earphones the two of them were sharing.

Ellie looked on her right, seeing her brother already asleep. She observed how different he looked, not wearing a suit for once and being clothed in a basic jeans and plain shirt. He looked like a regular young man in his 20s.

She watched his peaceful state and saw herself not just in the reflection of his eyes, but in his whole appearance. There was no doubt they were one blood.

The pair of small and perfectly shaped eyes with long eyelashes they both shared, the little pointy nose and plush pinkish lips, shaped by angels themselves.

The only difference between the two was the look in their eyes. Yoongi, being the man of power and respect held some kind of dominance, confidence in his eyes. He would show no emotion if he wanted.

Ellie, on the other side, was an open book. You look into her eyes and you see everything, every piece of emotion. She was fragile, both in and out, she wasn't a part of this world. She wasn't ready for the danger Jeongguk would carry with him into her life, and she knew it.


It was something past midnight, Ellie and Yoongi were cuddled next to each other, watching some anime he chose because none of them really wanted to sleep yet.

The two siblings had reserved two rooms, one for each but ended up in one anyways. None of them really minds, and Ellie definitely didn't since she got cuddles from her grumpy brother at first, but he eventually gave up and let her spoon him.

He wasn't a cuddler, but what wouldn't he do for his sister's happiness, right?

"Where you going?" she asked sleepily, feeling the body next to her shift.

"On a balcony, stay here. It's cold outside," he placed a warm kiss on her cheek, walking out of the room.

She listened to him and pulled the sheets over her body to prevent it from the cold air coming from outside. After few minutes, when she was missing her brother's presence, she stood up, her body wrapped in a blanket, and went on a balcony to check what's been taking him so long.

She thought she must have been dreaming when she saw him leaning against the railing with a cigarette in his hand, blowing the smoke into the night wind.

"Since when do you smoke?" she asked strictly, standing at the door.

"I don't," he answered without sparing her a glance, the smoke leaving his lips, shifting like a ghost in the breeze.

"I clearly see you holding a cigarette," she scoffed, wanting to smash it out of his hand.

"This is the third cigarette I've had in my life," Yoongi explained, examining the slowly-killing weapon in his hands.

"Still...What is this good for Yoongs?" she was mad, but she still couldn't hide the concern in her voice.

"Nothing. You know...most people smoke because they're sad. I remember how everyone back in high school used to smoke whenever they got stressed or heartbroken. And I thought, why should it only make us forget or help to escape from the bad things?"

"I don't understand..." she stepped closer, eyes watching the cigarette pressed onto her brother's lips.

"I found my own meaning behind it. Why not smoke when you're happy instead? Like in some very special moment you'll want to remember."

"Why are you smoking now then?"

"Because this is a very special moment to me. I am finally with my sister. And that's meaningful enough for me."

He took a deep drag and exhaled the smoke into the air one last time, watching it disappear in the cloud of the cold air above their heads.

A could of happiness.


Did you guys want Jeongguk to come with them or not?

Please answer in the comments :))

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