|34| - Jeongguk may be a dick but Tae isn't.

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Ellie was lying on her bed, just relaxing while reading her favourite book when the door of her room was thrown open and she could feel the presence of another person.

As she looked up, her eyes met Taehyung's, the boy clothed in a pair of baggy trousers and an oversized hoodie which looked really comfy.

She still wasn't fully used to seeing all of the boys wearing these kind of clothes. They suddenly looked less like gang members and more like normal teenagers, well, more like young men since they were all legal aged.

"You could have at least knocked," she scolded him because that was something Tae would always forget.

"Why? You aren't naked."

"I could have been," she complained.

"Doesn't matter. I have seen a naked woman before, don't worry," he rolled his eyes and jumped on the bed next to her.

"Noo, leave me out of that topic, please," she whined with a disgusted grimace.

"Okay, but you are going with me," he quickly stood up and grabbed her wrist, giving her no time to ask questions or complain.

"Wheeeere," she whined as he pulled her by the arm and lead her all the way out of her room, not caring that she was wearing just a robe.

They met Jimin right when they came into the corridor and he stopped in his tracks and stared at how Tae was pulling Ellie behind himself.

He chuckled a bit and shouted at Taehyung to ask where they were heading.

"To my room. I want her to meet the king," Tae answered and continued their way to his room which Ellie hasn't ever been to yet.

What the hell was this man planning?


"Ellie...this is the most important being in this whole house," Taehyung sang dramatically.

"Say hello to my baby, Yeontan!"

She stared at Taehyung for a while as she saw a little furry ball in his arms which he just pulled from behind his back.

She blinked twice.

"You have a dog and never said a word to me!!!!!!"

She immediately took the dog into her hands and embraced it tightly, but careful enough not to hurt the little being, giggling when the dog licked her nose and sticked his tongue out.

"He loves you!" Tae screamed excitedly.

"What's his name again?"

"Yeontan, but we mostly call him Tannie."

Ellie placed him down on the floor and watched as the dog ran under Taehyung's bed.

"He's so cute! Can we walk him sometime?" Ellie jumped in excitement.

"Of course. We can do it later today if you want to."

She smiled up at Taehyung but saw the fluffy ball run from under the bed with a teddy bear between his teeth.

He ran all the way to her and placed the toy right on top of her feet at what she laughed and crouched down to pat the dog. Taehyung did the same, both sitting on the floor in the middle of his room.

Yeontan jumped into her lap right when she sat down on the floor and watched her with a dog smile and excitement in his eyes. She sighed and continued patting him.

"What's bothering you, smiley face?" Taehyung asked after a while of studying her expression.

"I guess I am just worried about the training," she sighed again and Taehyung wanted to make fun of the habit but remembered it's also one of his.

"So, Yoongi hyung already told you?"

"Yeah, he did. I am worried what's it gonna be like," she said in an upset tone which made even Yeontan look up at her questionably.

"It won't be anything difficult, El. No need to worry, we all went through that," he placed a hand on her shoulder and squeezed it slightly.

"I am just scared of...spending so much time with Jeongguk in one room," she finally admitted, starting to worry even more now when she heard herself say it.

"Look, I know he may seem like a complete dick sometimes, but under all of that bad, there's my best friend. And he can be a real dork and fun to be around."

"How long have you two known each other?" she finally asked about the topic she was really interested in since she saw the relationship between the two. Mainly how Taehyung seemed to be the person Jeongguk acted actually kinda friendly and not that rude around.

She's seen them hang out just once, but she heard from Jimin that the two of them used to go to bar twice a week.

They seemed to be best friends and Jeongguk also used to talk about him quite a lot at the time when him and Ellie were actually friends but that time seemed to be long forgotten and even to remain forgotten for much longer.

"Many years, we basically grew up together. That's why we're almost like the same person."

Tae's words pulled her into deep thoughts again. The imagination of the two boys and their relationship she heard about still seemed a bit fictional. She just couldn't see Jeongguk in that way, but the truth was that she didn't really know him at all.

She didn't know who he used to be and who he is to the others. She's just seen the way he he acts in front of her, and she didn't like that side of him much.

"Do you trust me?" Taehyung lowered his head a bit to look right into her eyes as she's been keeping her head down for a long time now.

"Yes, I do," she answered automatically.

"Great. So believe me if I say this, you two used to be on better terms and it will all settle down completely after some time."

Everything takes time.

Speaking of the devil, just like how it always goes, the door opened, showing the devil himself.

"Get into the gym in 10. And don't be late."


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