|47| - Dream

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What Yoongi and Ellie saw when they came back home.

What Yoongi and Ellie saw when they came back home

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Being in Jeongguk's room, sitting on his bed, right next to him, having a normal conversation with him, it all felt good, really good. Mainly when Ellie knew that barely anyone was allowed to enter his room.

Ellie wished the two of them would stay this way and learn to be friends like Yoongi always wanted them to be since they were the most important people in his life. He would be so happy if they were truly getting along and Ellie wished this moment would last longer.

No matter what happens between her and Steven, who Jeongguk clearly doesn't like, she just hopes they will stay this way.

It was hard to believe Taehyung's words when he said Jeongguk was actually a good guy under the mask he wears, but he proved himself just now.

He could lead a normal conversation without teasing or insulting Ellie. He could smile and even laugh in her presence, his laugh sounding much nicer that she imagined.

Jeongguk was a really good guy when he wasn't acting like an asshole.

"I felt kinda lonely on the morning runs without you," Jeongguk said after spending a few seconds studying Ellie's features.

Ellie was too caught back by what he just said that she had to take a while to react. Did Jeongguk just admit that he missed her while she was gone?

"I mean...I finally didn't have to slow down all the time," he had tried to save the situation but failed miserably because she heard him just well before.

"Yeah, sure Jeon," she laughed sarcastically while shaking her head. This man is truly unbelievable.

"Why did you sound so nervous through the phone this morning?" she asks when she remembers how many times he had called her and how stressed he sounded.

"I wasn't-" he was about to protest but she had already expected it from him.

"Don't lie."

"I really shouldn't be telling you anything right now," he heaves a sight, stretching his legs out as he's been seated on the bed for a good hour now.

"Tell me. You already started."

He looked up at her, their eyes meeting for a second and he sighs. She was too good at persuading him without having to try too much.

"Fine, but you need to tell me something first."

"What is it?"

"You told me you had a dream about Yoongi hyung," he continued after she nodded. "What exactly happened in that dream?"

"I don't really remember, Gguk. I told you he was...shot," Ellie almost whispers the last word, scared to even think about such a thing. She couldn't even think of it, she couldn't lose her brother, any of them.

"Who did that? Did you see anyone? Where was it? Anything, Ellie," Jeongguk rushed, seeming nervous as he impatiently searched her eyes for the answers. This must have been even more important than she expected it to be.

"I couldn't recognise the building, but it seemed like some old hall in the underground or something. I- There wasn't anyone I know. I couldn't see who was there but I heard many voices."

"Oh my god, I have to go," he suddenly jumped out of his bed with a panicked expression and quickly started walking around the room, then finally reaching for the door handle.

"Where are you going?"

"To talk to Hoseok. I will meet you in the gym later," she could barely hear the last words because he was already on the hall outside. And just like that, he left her alone in his room for the second time today. What a gentleman.


"You are early," a voice was hear from behind while Ellie was on the floor doing plank. She managed to raise her head slightly, enough to see Jeongguk who entered the gym.

"Looks like you're really taking this seriously," she could hear the teasing tone of his voice as he watched her trying to stay in the position for as long as she could. Ellie from a few weeks ago wouldn't ever cross her limits. Yet there she was.

To be honest, she was getting little impatient with Jeongguk because he was supposed to train her and teach her how to fight and defend people she loved, but he has barely taught her anything. She knew she wouldn't be able to keep up with his stamina and the strong, well-build body. She needed to work on herself first but she was getting impatient.

She had to move faster, to get better faster because all of this was taking too long and if anything happened now, she wouldn't be able to defend herself, not anyone.

Deciding that she'd show Jeongguk she's worth it, she made plan to cross all her limits today. She was feeling good, full of energy, she could do it.

Ignoring Jeongguk who was changing his shirt, she walked over to the treadmill. She switched the mood to almost the fastest speed and jumped on. She was a fighter when she wanted and there was no reason to prove herself because Jeongguk knew it from the very beginning, but he wouldn't tell her. She needed to keep working on herself.

After almost 20 minutes of running on the fast speed, she turned the machine of and jumped down. Her legs gave up in the process as it hit the ground and she stumbled back a bit but managed to keep standing.

She was breathing heavily, her T-shirt being soaked with sweat.

"Are you okay?" Jeongguk quickly stopped what he was doing and ran to her, watching her exhausted form. He knew she did it to prove him, but she needed to take it slowly or else she'd end up hurting herself.

"Yeah, I should go now," she stormed out of the room, leaving a confused Jeongguk behind.

She was angry because he wouldn't tell her about what was going on and why he ran from her earlier. She wanted to know, she wanted to make him tell her.

But the guilt which was heaving inside her chest reminded her once again, that she was in no place to force or blame Jeongguk for anything.

Mainly when she was the one who told him there wasn't anyone she knew in her dream when she could clearly see the person from her dream inside of her head...Jeongguk sitting on a bench with a gun pressed to his forehead.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞.||Jungkook&BTSWhere stories live. Discover now