|81| - The story of Jeon Jeongguk

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Sam Tinnesz - Man or a Monster

He was a happy child. Not everyone was lucky enough to be raised by two amazing parents. They loved him more than anything in the whole world, protected him from all the darkness.

When he was 4, his best friend from next door finally learned how to walk, and since then, the two never stopped
running together.

When he was 4, his best friend from next door finally learned how to walk, and since then, the two never stoppedrunning together

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At the age of 7, when he finally went to school, it was nothing like he expected. Parents said Ellie was way too young to go to school with him, but it didn't matter because he'd find new friends.

They weren't right.

The girls in his class were only friends with girls and boys were always fighting each other. He tried to teach Ellie how to read and write to be able to go to school with him, but she was still too little to understand.

His favourite moments were when he'd finally leave the building and go back home and teach Ellie how to ride a bike. She was a terrible driver, not that he'd ever tell her.

He remembers how he first got an arm broken when he fought a boy who tried to steal Ellie's favourite teddy bear. He got it back though so it was worth it. Yeah, totally worth it.

That day, when his mom brought him back home from hospital and he gave Ellie her toy back, he kissed her forehead and promised he'd protect her for the rest of his life. He never planned to break the promise.

A week later, Ellie lost her mother and her brother, Jeongguk's hyung, had to move away and he hasn't seen him since that day. Ellie was too young to understand the loss of her loved one but Jeongguk made sure to stay even closer to her, to take her brother's place and take care of her. He missed him too.

When they were playing in the back yard of Jeongguk's home and said good night that night, they never thought it would be the last time they saw each other. The next day, little Jeongguk's Ellie was gone.

Her father's car wasn't in the driveway that morning and the mornings after that. And for the first time in his life, he was alone.

Exactly 5 days later, Jeongguk woke up in the middle of the night to someone shaking his body awake. His lungs were filling with smoke, he could barely breath. He was in the arms of Ellie's father and when he ran out of the house with him, he saw his house was on fire. The firefighters arrived not more than a minute later, he screamed, he screamed at all of them, crying out that both his parents were still inside but none of the adults listened.

That was the day Jeon Jeongguk lost both parents. In a burning house right in front of his eyes. He was saved, but they weren't.

 He was saved, but they weren't

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