|17| - Lost sense

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It was morning and the freshly awaken Ellie was ready to welcome another beautiful day.

"Oh, fuck ooof," she groaned at her buzzing phone.

She stayed under the warm sheets of her bed for a while before she stood up to go to the bathroom. But at the end she threw herself on the couch before she could even get to the bathroom.

"I should really change the entrance password," she mumbled, turning her head to the right to look at Jimin who was comfortably lying on the other side of the couch.

"And why would you do that?" He suddenly stopped chewing, looking at Ellie with big eyes.

"Are those my marshmallows?" She hurried to his side, trying to grab the bowl from his strong grip.

"Maybe." He pulled the bowl to the other side, as far away from her as possible, trying to save it from her hands while looking all innocent.

"Jimin, give it back!" she screamed at him, trying to stretch her arms closer to the bowl but Jimin was faster.

'Damn gangsters...' she thought.

She was ready to beat the man up but then another one, who just came out of her bathroom wearing an expensive robe, interrupted her.

"Of course you're here as well." Her shoulders dropped as she watched the unbothered man walk into the kitchen while humming some random song, grabbing some chocolate from the shelf and then walking to sit next to them.

"Oh, you are up? Hi." Taehyung smiled sweetly at her, not realising she may be a little pissed off right now.

"What the fuck is going on with you two?" She stood up to get their attention, waiting for at least one of them to notice her anger and explain themselves.

"We're going out and we're bringing you with us," Jimin said, looking behind Ellie to get a sight of the tv.

"Who the hell goes out in the morning?"

"Ellie, it's almost 9 pm," Taehyung said.

"Wait, 9?! Did I really just sleep for-"

"15 hours. No doubt you're Yoongi's sister." Jimin laughed at her shocked expression.

She knew she had a good nap but sleeping for the whole day wasn't what she expected. How could she not realise that it was already getting dark outside?


"Language, Ellie," Taehyung scolded.
"Go get dressed. We're leaving soon."

"Fine. Under one condition. No more breaking into my apartment without telling me. Is that clear?" She looked at them, finger pointed in a warning, making them both nod with smiles.

"Bossy. I knew she reminded me of our Jeonggukie," Taehyung whispered to Jimin but she heard it all.

"And put that chocolate back, Taehyung."


Night street. Street lights. Car radio. Manly scent. A very manly scent twice.

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