|40| - Aloha

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Few days later, it was the day they were leaving. Yoongi suggested that him and Ellie should finally spend some time together to catch up with all the years they lost, and Ellie couldn't be happier about this idea.

They managed to plan everything in a short time. Yoongi taught Namjoon everything he needed to know since he was the one to keep the gang going while the leader was gone. He knew there would be no problem with that since he was a natural leader.

He first wanted to give this important mission to Jeongguk, but when rethinking it, he realised he's still too young for this and too impulsive. He'd most likely kill someone while Yoongi's gone.

Ellie also finished what she had to, caught up with her school, had her exam sooner so they could leave in a few days.

They were going to Jeju Island, to relax far away from the civilization. They finished packing earlier in the morning and it was now around 10 am. The two siblings came downstairs, Hoseok helping Ellie down the stairs with her suitcase.

The boys and Ellie were all gathered in the living room, ready to say goodbye but there was one missing.

"Where's Taehyung?" Ellie asked, eyes searching the room for the brown-haired boy.

"ALOHAAA!" the boy screamed as he was sliding down the stairs on his suitcase. The six other boys and Ellie did nothing but watched with terrified expressions.

Yes, he slid his suitcase down the stairs. With him sitting on it.

"When are we leaving? Why aren't you guys packed?" he jumped up and looked at the others, adjusting the straw hat on his head.

Everyone just stood frozen, not even blinking. They probably still tried to process what he just did and mainly how he survived without getting injured.

"Taehyung, I don't know if you misunderstood something but...Only me and Ellie are going," Yoongi said as he was thinking hard, maybe even doubting his own common sense.

"I learned all those Hawaiian phrases for nothing?" he screamed dramatically, throwing the straw hat on the floor.

"We're not even going to Hawaii!" Yoongi ranted at the younger, very confused from what was going on.

"You aren't?" Taehyung asked, features immediately upsetting.

Then it clicked.

"Jeongguk, do you know something about this?" Yoongi turned around to look at the youngest who was right behind him, hovering over the door frame. Jeongguk was clearly enjoying the scene until Yoongi caught him chuckling, his face then immediately turned serious.

"No, hyung," he tried to say as convincingly as possible, but Yoongi knew him too well. And Tae helped him confirm it.

"Jeon Jeongguk, you ducking duck come back here!!" Taehyung screamed while running, chasing Jeongguk who jumped over the couch and ran away somewhere.

"Of course he was the one behind all of this," Yoongi sighed, feeling like an old man with 7 kids to raise and well, it wasn't that far from the truth.

Poor Yoongi really needed to escape this house as soon as possible.

"Okay kids. We're leaving," Yoongi stated, sighing and bowed to grab his suitcase but the kids wouldn't let him leave without a hug.

The members who were already gathered around them hugged their leader first, squishing the life out of him. When they were all done with him, they moved to Ellie, giving her a hug too, this time a bit more carefully.

"A group hug!" Taehyung who just ran back to the living room squished all of them together.

"No, no! Taehyung don't!" Yoongi screamed, already knowing what was going to happen.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞.||Jungkook&BTSWhere stories live. Discover now