|84| - One more night

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"Fuck," Jeongguk groans in pain, bloody hand massaging his forehead. He is completely covered in blood.

"Ellie, are you okay?" he asks but when he turns his head to the right with difficulty, he sees nothing but an empty seat.

"Please no, god please no," he panics.

Not caring about how much his whole body hurts, he kicks the door open and jumps off the car, walking around it to look for any sign of her. He runs around the car until he finds her fragile body pressed against the passenger's door, mouth slightly opened to catch a breath.

"Oh my god El, what were you trying to do?" Jeongguk takes her head into his hands and checks if she's breathing.

"...get you out," words leave her mouth in a weak voice, eyes opening just so slightly to look back at him, seeing the worry in his eyes.

"You tried to get me out?" he asks and Ellie nods weakly.

"Ellie, you silly girl."

Jeongguk carefully pulls her body to his chest, hugging her tightly. He was so scared he wouldn't find her.

Walking over to the back seat, he grabs a bottle of water and holds it for her to drink.

"What happened? My head hurts like a bitch," Ellie speaks once he lets go of her, hissing at pain.

"Some idiot crashed right into us."

"Son of a bitch," she sighs and Jeongguk can't help but smile at her sudden choice of words.

"You really got some attitude right here," he says to her but is taken back by surprise when she caresses his cheek, finger getting rid of blood under his right eye.

"You are bleeding," she whispers, lips way too close to his that he must force himself that this was definitely not the time.

"Stop worrying about me, you are bleeding too, stupid."

"Don't call me that when you just ruined your expensive ass car."

"Woah, woah, don't get up so fast," he rushes to help her once she tries to get up to her legs alone.
"And it wasn't me who ruined it."

"Yoongi's gonna kill us."

"He's gonna kill me but I get your point," correcting her, he looks around the place, arm firmly holding Ellie around her waist to keep her on her legs.

"I'll call Hoseok to come get us," Jeongguk mumbles while already pulling the phone out of his back pocket.

"Hi, hyung. I need you to come get us. I'll send you the location," hanging up, he guides Ellie to move, sitting down on the grass with her between his legs.

"Are you sure you are okay?" he asks just to make sure and she nods.

"The fuel isn't leaking, so we should be fine until he gets here."

"We should? That doesn't sound safe at all."

Staring into her eyes, he focuses on her before speaking.

"Don't worry, I wouldn't put you into danger, not again."

"I was just joking, I trust you," leaning her back against his chest, he feels a slight burn of a wound right there as she leans into him, but he would rather be in pain for another hour than push her away.

About twenty minutes later, when Hoseok arrives to the location, he finds Ellie soundly asleep in Jeongguk's arms. He notices his car right away but he doesn't ask. Watching Jeongguk carry the girl all the way to the back seat and lying her head on his lap, he decides to let the two have their moment of peace for a little longer.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞.||Jungkook&BTSWhere stories live. Discover now