[20] - Taehyung is old

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The three of them made their way downstairs to the big hall of the mansion where the party was happening. Other members didn't usually organise big parties, but Taehyung, being a social butterfly, had lines of people who wanted to congratulate him. After all, people don't turn 24 twice.

'Wait, he is already 24?!'
Ellie stopped in front of a huge door which lead to the main hall, but the two boys already pushed it open and revealed a large room with black furniture and red decorations. Also, there was "the best thing" waiting for an introvert like Ellie - a crowd of people.

Her shoulders dropped, smile faded but Hoseok knew what she was like so he put a hand on her back and gently motioned her inside.

"Remember, we're here for Taehyung," he leaned closer for her to hear.

"Yeah, you're right," she mumbled more to herself than him, trying to gain her non-existing confidence.

At least she could thank both Jimin and Hoseok for making her wear this outfit since she kinda fit in, with her clothing at least.

They got through the people together, most of them saying hello to the boys but rarely to Ellie since no one really knew her.

Finally, they found the person they've been looking for. Taehyung's back was facing them but the brown-ish shade of his hair confirmed it's him. The sound of his laugh could be heard before he turned around and saw who was suddenly standing in front of him.

And there may have been three people in his sight, but he only saw one. The beautiful girl with those deep doe eyes which were focused on him, on Taehyung only. She was a bit unsure because of how Taehyung's smile faded when his eyes fell on her, but it immediately made its way back as his lips lifted into a beautiful boxy smile and his eyes glittered.

The sincerity of Taehyung's smile made the other two boys giggle. And Hoseok's face also lit up when he saw the way his dongsaeng pulled the girl close and engulfed her in a tight hug. They both immediately closed their eyes, enjoying the meaningful moment they shared.

"Ellie! You came!" he shouted after letting go of her but still holding her hand.

"Of course I did. It's your birthday," she said apologetically, her face softening.

"I thought you wouldn't because we didn't talk since..." he looked down at the floor shyly, clearly regretting what happened between them earlier.

"I am sorry, Tae. I am so so sorry. I should have never done that," she looked him in the eyes and felt upset for not handling the situation like an adult that she isn't yet but could have at least tried to be for once instead of not talking to Taehyung for a week.

"No, seriously Ellie. It's fine, let's just...forget it. I am so happy you came," he said excitedly, a smile sneaking back onto his face.

"Hey Taehyung-ah! We're also here you know?" Jimin coughed, trying to keep a serious face but failing miserably after seeing Taehyung's face.

It wasn't a lie when Hoseok thought this was the happiest he's ever seen him.

"Oh, god you're 24! You're so old!" Ellie laughed, earning a weak smack on her back from the boy.

"Well, not everyone's a lucky 20-year-old like you, kid," the two of them laughed together and kept fighting with the other two looking at them with fond smiles.

"Okay, so, me and Jimin will get some drinks. Hyung, will you please stay with Ell?"

"Sure man."

"Who are you looking for?" Hoseok asked after a while when he saw Ellie looking around the room.

"My brother, but I just realised he won't be here," she sighed, remembering the call they had yesterday, about him being away from the town for a few days.

"Also, just so I won't forget, he told Jeongguk should stay with you so you won't get into trouble," Hoseok started carefully but just hearing that name made Ellie's blood boil.

"No. Jeongguk is trouble," and that was the end of the conversation to Ellie. Or, she thought so.

"Woah, can't keep me off your mind, I see," aaand there he was.
"Long time no see, huh?"

That voice made Ellie roll her eyes automatically, at what Hoseok giggled and slowly vanished, not wanting to get between the two tempered people.

"What do you want Jeon?" she turned around to face the boy again and God. Why did such a jerk like Jeongguk have to look this handsome?

The world is unfair.

"Salty again?" he asked with an annoying grin on his face.

"Not until you came," she said in what was supposed to be a mad voice and crossed arms on her chest.

"I didn't know you were the type to party," he said as he scanned her from head to toes, not even trying to hide the fact that he was checking her out.

And he would never admit it but liked what he was seeing.

"There are many things you don't know about me, Jeon. By the way, I am here for Taehyung," she had said and the mentioned boy came right on the time, giving her a drink he went for earlier.

"Jeongguk-ah! You came," the older said excitedly as he pulled him into a manly

"Hyung, hi. Happy birthday, I put a present into your room," he said after pulling away from the hug.

Ellie watched the situation in front of them. Hoseok told her a few days ago about how Jeongguk and Taehyung suddenly stopped talking but it made her happy to see they probably fixed things between each other and became friends again.

"We were about to play some game. You wanna join?" Taehyung said kindly, not even noticing the glaring contest between Ellie and Jeongguk. Or more like just Ellie's glaring contest since the fucker acted all smily in front of his hyung.

"No, I actually have someone waiting for me," Jeongguk answered loudly enough to make sure everyone heard and focused his eyes on Ellie.
While she chuckled ironically, wondering if this was seriously supposed to make her jealous.

"Enjoy yourself," he said with a smirk and left. Just like that.

'Asshole,' Ellie mumbled only for her to hear.

Hoseok's head suddenly popped out from behind Ellie: "Well. That went better than I thought it would."

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