|50| - Raindrops

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None of them could fall asleep. They both blamed it on the events from earlier, after all, today was crazy. It was too much to handle even for Jeongguk who has belonged into this world for more than half of his lifetime.

And besides that, they both had their heads too full of thoughts that they didn't even realise they have been sitting in silence for a few minutes now.

"We should talk," the serious tone of Jeongguk's voice interrupted the growing silence between them.

Ellie raised her head to look at him. He was sitting at the opposite side of the couch. His expression was blank, eyes dark as usually, with no emotion.

"Yeah, we should," she agreed, scared to see what was about to come next but decided to let Jeongguk take the lead.

"What happened back there, it wasn't your fault," he started with what he was sure she's been thinking. He knew Ellie well enough and knew how sensitive she is even though she always tries to hide it.

"No, Jeongguk. It was my fault. Two of your people died because of me," admitting it hurt, but Ellie was convinced it was true and she needed to accept it sooner or later.

Exactly what Jeongguk expected, she blamed herself for something she had no fault in.

"No, Ellie. I know you're trying to put the blame on you, but you had nothing to do with it. Are you listening to me?" he talked more softly than before.

He knew he was probably terrible at this and knew that actions would speak better than words but no matter how much he wanted to run to her and hold her hands until she believes him, he couldn't let his guard down.

He doesn't want to fuck this up again. Not now.

She nods even though the guilt doesn't really disappear, but at least Jeongguk looks quite convincing.

But how could she continue living her life like before when nothing was the way it used to be. Since she met the boys, nothing was ever the same.

An hour earlier, when she was laying on her bed, trying to fall asleep, the events from today were replaying in her head. She couldn't sleep, she could only see the motionless bodies of the two men. They were two of Yoongi's men, but probably even more than that. They were their friends.

What if two of Yoongi's friends were killed because of her? What if they were Namjoon's, Jeongguk's friends...?

"I am so sorry Jeongguk," she shutters between quiet sobs. She didn't even realise when she started crying, she wouldn't even know if a single tear didn't fall on the skin of her thigh.

"What are you sorry for?" Jeongguk's soft voice is a comforting melody to her ears, and the way he immediately took her hands into his and she realised...Jeongguk was there for her.

Jeongguk was there to hold her hand when she needed it the most and even after that, in the car, he never let go of her hand.

"Answer me, Ellie," he orders and brings his hand up to wipe one of the tears which was rolling down her cheek.

"Your friends died because of me."

"We didn't really know those men, Ell. Yoongi hyung got a message to get there. It was all a part of someone's plan."

Ellie lifts her gaze up to look into Jeongguk's eyes. She thought he was saying this to make her feel better, but something about his expression said otherwise.

"Do you think my father was the one behind it?"

"I am not sure. We'll find out tomorrow."

They stare at each other for a second when a sound of rain drops meeting the windows starts filling the room. Ellie's eyes widen and Jeongguk sees how pale she suddenly became.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞.||Jungkook&BTSWhere stories live. Discover now