|49| - Calm before the storm

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"Are you sure you're going to be okay?"

"I am fine."

"Okay then...I will be back as soon as possible," Jeongguk reassures her before letting go of her hands and leaving her alone in her room.

"Hi, can I come in?" Hoseok's voice ranged through the room not many minutes later, waking Ellie from her half-sleep.

She hummed in response and sat on the bed, patting the space next to her for the man to sit down.

"You look..."

"Bad, yeah, I know," she finishes instead of him, knowing how messy her hair must be right now and the sheets thrown over her head surely don't add any more elegance to it all.

"I talked to Yoongi. We need to go fix this and will need as many people as possible," Hoseok started and Ellie already guessed what he was implying.

"Am I gonna stay on my own?" she asks, voice quiet and almost seeming as if she's been crying. Hoseok hated seeing her like this. They couldn't leave her here alone, she got too used to having them around all the time. And mainly not after what happened today.

"I persuaded Yoongi hyung to let Jeongguk stay. He'd only cause conflicts now anyway."

"You're right. He's a time bomb," Ellie finally manages to bright up the mood as they slightly laugh at her comparison. Jeongguk really was a time bomb when he was angry, he'd kill anyone who got into his way.

"I hope the situation from when the two of you stayed alone the last time won't happen again," Hoseok says more as a joke but when Ellie thinks about it, she really hopes for the same. She didn't want to fuck anything up between them again.

"Did he tell you what happened?" she asks, surprised from Hoseok even knowing that something happened between the two of them in the first place, even though it was pretty obvious and the others could also see it. Yes, they knew something was up, but they decided to leave it on them, for now.

"Not a word. He never tells anything about how he feels. Jeongguk is really stubborn when it comes to this," the boy sighs, wondering how he could be so stubborn when none of the others was. But Jeongguk in general, was completely different with feelings compared to all of them.

"Did he try to..."

"He was about to kiss me, but denied the whole thing as soon as I backed away," Ellie explained all of a sudden, leaving Hoseok surprised because he definitely wasn't expecting to get it out of her this fast and easily but she really wanted to tell someone, and she was sure he was the one she could believe.

"So that's why," Hoseok mumbles more to himself than to her, putting the pieces together and realising how they all suddenly fit together.

"Why did you back away?" he places a very important question.

"I saw some girl texting him that evening, and then when he just tried to kiss me...Of course I told him he's just messing with my head. I was so sorry Hoseok, he looked hurt but then he just turned mad," Ellie's ribs suddenly felt much tighter over her chest, as if it was trying to cage all her emotions inside her body.

"That explains a lot, mainly why he looked so angry the next day. You were the first one to say no, he must have been so confused," and Hoseok was right. It suddenly all made sense. Ellie refused him, the first time a woman refused Jeongguk, which must have made an impact on his huge ego.

"I will tell you something important when I come back, okay? It could help you a lot," he caresses her back and stands up to leave, praying that once he comes back tomorrow, there will be no more contradiction between the two. He wasn't the only one who prayed for this.

As soon as Hoseok left the room, Ellie felt lonely. It felt childish but she loved human company, it was always nice and comforting to have someone by her side. She was a very social person. She hated attention, but having someone she felt comfortable with brought her peace. Whether it was one of the boys or Nancy with Steven, she loved having people around.

That's why Ellie wanted to live with Nancy when she started at the university, not just because it was cheaper for both. She wouldn't be able to function properly if she was living alone.

Now, since she was living with the boys it was harder to meet up with her two best friends but they managed. Not that she didn't like living with the boys because she did, much more than she thought she would. They were all like her own brothers and they were also always taking care of her like she was their little sister.

She was sad to receive a call from Yoongi that they were already on their way somewhere and will come later tomorrow, she really wanted to say goodbye and remind them to be careful. She could only wait and pray they'll all come safe tomorrow.


"Hey, Ell, are you asleep?" Ellie recognised a voice which didn't seem to come out of her dream.

A ray of light from the hall entered the room, brightening the darkness inside. She turns around on the bed to look at the door. Her eyes were still trying to adapt to the sudden source of brightness as she looked at the figure at the door but she didn't need to see to know who it was.

She hummed slightly, rubbing her eyes to get rid of the sleepiness.

"I thought you were already sleeping" his voice is soft, she knows the corners of his lips are slightly lifted into a dimple smile.

"I couldn't sleep knowing I am alone inside the whole building," she confesses, not caring whether he'd make fun of her for being a coward.

"It's okay, I am here," he sits down on the bed, looking down at Ellie.

"Are you going to leave?" she asks and the worry is evident in both her eyes and voice, she can't stay alone tonight.

"Why would I leave?" Jeongguk asks, upset that she really thought he'd leave her after she just told him she doesn't want to stay alone.

"I don't know, you sometimes just disappear in the middle of the night," the softness of her voice and the meaning of the words cuts him deep and brings guilt.

"I do no longer do that..." he says in a quiet voice, he didn't want her to think such thing about him but who was he fooling, he was still the same. Or, was he?

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞.||Jungkook&BTSWhere stories live. Discover now