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Alcohol. Drugs. Worry. Stress. Anger. Love. Emotions.

They all have something in common.

They make us do crazy things. Sometimes the right ones, mostly those wrong.
They have the power to engulf us, make us see things clearer or make us blind.

Once there was a girl, an obedient one. Doing what her father wanted was her main priority. She always listened, did what she was told to do and nothing else, deciding it was easier to stay unnoticed.

That was until she found out everything she ever knew was a lie. Not a white one, which would be made to protect her. But the blood one. One that stabbed her to the heart deeply, but not making it bleed, just breaking it but leaving her alive to feel it.

She thought her father wanted to protect her from the bad things which were happening behind their gates. So she stayed inside to keep her own safety, not knowing that the worst danger was inside the same house.

And she couldn't do anything than watch as those things slowly make their way towards her.

So just like everyone else, emotions made her do crazy things.

Ellie wasn't crazy, just lost. She's been feeling weird lately. Keeping inside all the emotions she couldn't explain was hard and the fact that she didn't know how to deal with then made it much worse.

So that night, with a drunken mind, it was much harder to keep a common sense and much easier to do something stupid.

She didn't even think when she grabbed the nearest person, not caring who it was and smashed her lips on his.

She got no response at first due to the shock, but after a while he started to kiss back, melting into the contact. Even though Ellie was the initiator, she moved her lips slowly, allowing the other to take care of her since she was still inexperienced.

He brought his strong arm to her waist, embracing her and pulling her closer to the warmth of his body.

Ellie tilted her head slightly, letting him have a better access to deepen the kiss. Yet it remained sweet and innocent and she would lie if she said she didn't like it, because at least for a moment, she was fine.

But the moment didn't last long. It was as if she suddenly turned sober again when the realisation hit her.
This was wrong.

She looked at the boy in front of her as she leaned away from him, he was shocked from her sudden reaction but a small smile was visible on his swollen lips.

"I- I am so sorry," she said before grabbing her bag and running out of the bar.

The three boys were looking at her and watched the door close after her.

"We need to talk, Taehyung," Jimin said in a serious tone, analysing the younger who was still looking at the door through which the girl had just left.

Taehyung gulped, seeing the anger in another man's stare.



The next morning Ellie woke up with a terrible headache. She was feeling like shit, both mentally and psychically.

She made herself a cup of coffee and sat down on a couch next to her best friend.

"You look...bad. Hard night, huh?" Nancy asked after having a sip of her own coffee.

"It's just that...I have a lot going on right now," Ellie sighed as she held her head in her hands, massaging her pulsing temples.

"Come here, honey." Nancy put the cup on the table and opened her arms for the younger girl to snuggle in.

"Look, I know you're hiding something about those guys and I am not gonna force you into anything. But you need to talk to someone. I am sure whatever it is, one of them could help you. It's worth a try." She comforted her by playing with Ellie's hair as she was now snuggled on her lap.

She was right. Ellie needed to talk to Taehyung.


"Ellie? What a surprise. What brought you here?" Hoseok opened the door of their mansion with a bright smile.

"Hi. Is Taehyung around?"

"Oh. So that's why. Follow me." He opened the door fully for her to enter and lead her upstairs to what she assumed was his room.

"Sit, kid. We should talk," he started.

"I not sure what happened, but you look upset. And Taehyung does too. So please be honest with me. Did something happen between you two?" he continued as she sat down onto the bed next to him.

"I ruined everything, Hobi." Before she could say anything else he hugged her tightly, her face hiding in the crook of his neck as a single tear falls against it.

"Shh, calm down sweetheart. What happened?" he whispered soothingly.

"I kissed Taehyung," she spilled straight-forwardly. There was no reason to hide things from Hoseok, she believed him.

"I know I shouldn't have. But I did. I am so stupid Hobi, what if he hates me now?" She sobbed into his chest, the soft material of his shirt soaking the tears which kept falling.

"He'd never hate you, Ellie." He chuckled a bit at the thought of how loving Taehyung is under his tiny gangster mask.

"Can I ask you something?" his voice was heard after a while.
"Which bar did you go to yesterday?"

"Somehere on the east side, why?" she answered, a bit confused from the sudden question.

"Just curious," he mumbled between a sheepish smile.

She may not have known, but Hoseok did.

It suddenly all made sense.

So that's why Jeongguk didn't tell anyone where he was going.

'Oh, our little maknae. You really are a tricky one.' Hoseok smiled to himself.


[A/N] Jeongguk came home late yesterday and Hoseok caught him just before he could break his own door. He tried to talk to him but Jeongguk just kicked him out, telling he wasn't in the mood.

Jeongguk knew Ellie would be there yesterday, but didn't expect to see what he saw.

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