|07| - A text

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30 minutes in a car.
30 minutes in a car with Jeongguk.
30 minutes in a car alone with Jeongguk.

Who said nightmares don't become real?
Because for Ellie, a one now became more real than she wanted.

So as expected, she went through the worst ride of her life.

She was sitting on the passenger's seat while Jeongguk was sitting right next to her, driving the big black car. He seemed unbothered, but as for Ellie, her muscles didn't relax for a second.

Many things were occupying her mind, sadly, one of them being the man next to her. She wondered what made him hate her so much. She knew they may not talk ever again since it was no secret that they hated each other, but she wanted to find out.

Before she realised she had been thinking about him for longer than she should, he already caught her staring at him.

"Don't stare," he said with annoyed voice, not even taking a look at her.

"In your dreams." She rolled her eyes and shifted on the seat to get into a more comfortable position.

But damn, how could she not take a look at him when there was a lot to stare at on this man. Ellie knew she shouldn't be thinking about him in that way, but her natural sense disappeared once he moved a bit towards her direction to grab his phone. She could smell his cologne. A very manly one which you would be able to recognise anytime after smelling it just once.

And then, when she peeked at him and saw his veiny arms, and what his face looked like when he was focused... She hated herself for her own thoughts, but what could she do?

Jeon Jeongguk was a piece of art. And not just because all of the art painted on his body.
The man was a masterpiece himself.
And she didn't like that.

Ellie then realised she should probably stop herself because she may seem like a creep so she made her eyes focus on the road instead.

But just then the roles switched and Jeongguk was the one to stare at her. He wanted to take just a quick look but seems like his eyes had a different plan for him.

So he ended up being the staring one for a good while, and she saw it all.

"The road is right there," she said, pointing her finger on the road in front of them.

Jeongguk gulped, realising that he fucked up by letting his guard down and allowing his men side take control over him and do whatever it wanted.

"We're here," he said after a while when the car stopped.

"How do you know where I live?" Ellie asked, because she didn't remember telling him.

"Do you think I am as naive as Namjoon? I have to admit that was smart, saying that was your apartment when it clearly wasn't. But you can't fool me, Elizabeth. Not me," he said huskily, his eyes burning holes into hers, and his face dangerously close.

"Well, I am not stupid either," she said before leaving the car but he grabbed her by her wrist, making her stumble back to her seat.

"At least once in your life you did the right choice. You'd just cause unwanted trouble to us. Goodbye, princess." He then let go of her hand and smashed the door of the car right in front of her face.

'Oh, here we go again. Back to his dick personality," she said to herself and walked towards her apartment.


Time passed. Life went just like it used to before, except for the fact that the two siblings were keeping contact just like they promised, always calling or texting each other, as if trying to catch up with all those years without the other.

Ellie was mostly at school or at work with her best friends Nancy and Steven. But she wasn't like other 20-year-old people who would go to parties and drink with their friends till they pass out. She rather stayed at home and spent the time trying to catch up with all her studies. No wonder, medical school wasn't anything easy.

So she continued living a normal life, until she got a message from her father. He barely ever called or texted her so she wasn't expecting any good news.

She read the text message she got and freezed.

💬 We need to talk. I have something to tell you.

She wasn't sure what to do. What did he want? Did she get into trouble? Did he find out about Yoongi?

Unsure of what to do, she did the first thing she thought of.

"Yes?" a man's voice was heard from the other side of her phone.

"Yoongi, we have to meet. I need your help. It's serious."

"Namjoon is already outside."

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