|92| - A promise at last

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"Don't you dare kick my face, Elizabeth, or I will let you take that bullet out yourself. I know you know how to do it," Uji warns Ellie in a strict voice as she keeps shifting her leg on the bed in the warehouse's dispensary.

"She's not going to do that," Jeongguk's angelic voice sings to Ellie, letting her squish his hand before he turns to growl at Uji.
"Don't be so harsh on her."

"I mean it, Ellie. If the bullet moves, you may not be able to walk ever again."

"I know that, just let me find the right position," the girl complains, cold sweat glittering on her forehead.

"Listen to me, Ellie," Jeongguk pushes his chair closer to her, holding her hand tight in his. "It's not gonna hurt much, okay? Just stay still and let her do her job."

"Don't lie to me, Jeon. I know taking a bullet out hurts like a bitch," Ellie snickers, breathing hard as fresh

Jeongguk sighs, massaging his temple before he argues.
"Well, you could have at least tried to pretend you believed me."

"Okay, Jeongguk, move. Everyone out except for Yoongi and Jeongguk," Uji stands up from the bed and paces around the room, bumping into the rest of the seven men who are all surrounding her inside the room.

"What? I want to stay?" Taehyung defends himself, fighting as hard as he can until the older lady eventually gives up and lets him and Jimin stay.

"Jesus, fine. But if any of you faints, I am not responsible for you."

"She can be very salty when she's nervous," Jeongguk tells Ellie with a grin until Uji catches his words and glares at him, making his smile vanish.

"Okay, let's do this. Hold her still, Jeon," she orders him, Jeongguk hesitantly getting up from his chair and for now pressing Ellie gently to the bed.

Noticing Yoongi's absent-minded gaze, Uji tries to look for some work to give him and eventually ends up handing him a metal plate.

"Min, you...here, hold this. Jeongguk, don't let her move even if she's screaming from pain."

Jeongguk gulps, not sure if he's capable of seeing Ellie in so much pain but he eventually nods and holds both her hands down in one and leg in another hand.

"Ellie?" he calls for her, noticing her panicked eyes.

"What?!" she snaps up at him breathlessly.

"I lied. It's gonna hurt like a bitch."

"Yeah, thanks for your sincere words," rolling her eyes, she lets out a scream when Uji's metal grasper digs into the wound.

Her fingers search for Jeongguk's hand and he lets go of her only to hold her hand, the other still holding her leg tight at place.

"Hold her, Min," Uji raises her voice at him and it takes him a while to react and drop the plate to hold Ellie down.

To him, it's terrifying to see his little sister in so much pain, he can barely move.

When Uji pushes deeper to reach the bullet, Ellie screams in pain and the rest of the boys run out of the room, hiding behind the closed door until it's safe to come in again.

"You are doing great, Ellie," Jeongguk tries to support her but she can barely focus on his voice right now.

Yoongi's frozen as he stands and holds Ellie down, seeing her squeeze Jeongguk's hand in pain and to prevent herself from moving her leg.

"Noona hurry up. She's suffering," Jeongguk's nervous growl is heard, heart gripped tight as he has to watch her in so much pain.

"I got it! It's out!" Uji calls in victory, pushing Yoongi to the side and placing the bloody bullet on the metal plate and getting ready to clean and cover the wound.

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