|90| - Watch and stay quiet

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"No matter what they do, don't try to stop them."

"Are you telling me to watch them hurt you and do nothing?"

"Ellie..." the name leaves his lips in a soft whisper, sincere eyes begging her to listen.

"I am sorry, Gguk. I can't do that."

"Promise me, please."

Staring into each other's eyes, Ellie is the first one to break the contact and sigh, giving up under his look.


"Stay strong," he whispers and her hand slowly leaves its place on his cheek, taking steps away from him but never breaking the eye contact until she takes her place next to the two men again.

"What are they going to do to him?" she whispers to Iseul, all three of them along with Junsu looking at Jeongguk's head which is hanged low.

"He killed four of our men, they are gonna make him feel the pain of four deaths."

Ellie feels the stab in her chest, causing physical pain as if someone just put a knife into her chest at the thoughts of what these men may do to Jeongguk.

"Don't even think about it," Iseul warns her, noticing her looking around the room for any possible or impossible ay of helping them out.
"You can't save him."

"I have to try."

"Junsu, she needs to go," the older orders.

Junsu nods and grabs Ellie's wrist, not firmly enough to hurt but just to make sure she understands he's not letting her slip.

At the gesture, Jeongguk's head shots up and eyes follow Junsu's steps with a killing gaze.

"Junsu you let anyone touch her and I'll kill you with my bare hands, I swear," he screams after him when the two are already behind a closed door.

"You listen, kid," Iseul rushes towards Jeongguk, a strict expression on his face.
"You don't know either of us. If he finds out, we're all dead, got it?"

Jeongguk stares back straight into his eyes with no fear, wanting to punch that stupid face of his until a sudden realisation hits him and he stands down.

Where the hell is Jaewoon?

He has no time to consider whether to ask or not when the door is suddenly opened with a loud creak.

Iseul quickly steps away from him, slightly bowing to the three men who just walked in, Jeongguk's eyes darkening and fists balling up at the sight of the one in the middle.

"You know Jeon, I would be even happier to see you if I haven't stepped into blood of my men."

Jeongguk's growls and blood rushes down his wrists, metal cutting so deep into his skin as he watches the man in front of him smile.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞.||Jungkook&BTSWhere stories live. Discover now