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2 hours later and still no sight of Jeongguk, Ellie was getting slightly annoyed. She didn't expect Jeongguk to break his own condition. She thought he'd never let her breath once he allows her to go but there was still no sight of him. After all, he maybe hasn't ever really cared about her.

The stress from before disappeared as Ellie was enjoying herself in the company of her friends. She even finally spoke to Steve, who seemed to have drank more than he should and became extremely touchy. Ellie just kept looking around and prayed for Jeongguk not to come and see Steve's hand on her waist.

But she was glad they finally had a proper talk because they haven't really been in good terms since Jeongguk kicked him from her few weeks ago.

They were dancing together. Steve, Ellie, Nancy and her also pretty drunk boyfriend. Ellie's phone then vibrated in her back pocket.


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"Hi, have you done what you needed?" Ellie started as she got inside Jeongguk's car which was already waiting for her outside.

"How much did you drink?" the way he suddenly snapped at her shocked her.

"What? Jeongguk-"

"Answer me!" he screamed at her now and she pulled back a bit, being scared of the darkness held in his eyes.

'Okay, so moody Jeongguk is back.'

"Why are you so mad all of a sudden? I didn't do anything!" she screamed back at him, frustrated from his sudden change of mood. What did she do now?

"Exactly! You really just let some asshole touch you like that?!" he shouted and she freezed.

Did he see her with Steven?

She didn't think so, but from what he said, it seemed like he clearly did.

"What are you talking about? If that's about Steven then we're nothing-" she tried to stand up for herself but he wouldn't let her, not at this state.

"You're so fucking blind sometimes!"

The words he said, the tone of his voice, it all hurt her.

"I don't understand what's your problem, Jeongguk!"

"I saw what I saw! I am not stupid, okay? I thought you knew better," his voice slowly lowered as he calmed down at the last sentence.

'Crap, he definitely saw him.'

Ellie was suddenly feeling guilty.
She really wanted to continue this theme to understand why would Jeongguk be so pissed from sudden, but she knew it probably wouldn't end up well. He needed to cool off a bit first. Maybe then she'll be able to talk to him properly without screaming at each other.
She hoped he'd calm down.
Meanwhile she just remained silent for the whole ride, the feeling of guilt slowly growing inside her.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞.||Jungkook&BTSWhere stories live. Discover now