[30] - Safe Place

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Today was officially the first gang mission Ellie ever got into. She's known about her brother's gang for half of a year now, but he tried to keep her away from it for as long as possible. He didn't want to get her involved because she would be an easy target and could get hurt anytime. And he knew that well, so he tried to keep her silent for at least a while.

And he succeeded. Until today. They still weren't sure if their father was the one behind the attack, but they were about to find out soon.

Ellie was extremely glad that Jeongguk didn't leave the building until he made sure she's safe because after someone started shooting at her, she didn't know what to do. Should she hide or run? Thank god Jeongguk was there to take care of her and get her out safely.

As for the rest of the plan, it wasn't as safe, mainly since she's never been driving before but Jeongguk believed in her skills and made her ride the car without any lecture or guide on how to do it. But they survived and that's all that matters.

Ellie didn't even realise how long they've been driving, she lost the sense of time and stopped counting when it was more than two hours. She made herself comfortable in her seat and watched Jeongguk drive with a relaxed expression on his face. She didn't even know how much she admired the man. She owes him her own life.

After few minutes of scanning his face and watching his eyelashes move as his exes blinked in a stable tempo, she started to slowly drift into sleep. After a while, when she could still register sounds, she heard Jeongguk having a phone call with someone and saying she's fine, then she fell asleep completely.

When she woke up about half an hour later to her name being called, she opened her eyes and saw a beautiful creature right in front of her.

Jeongguk was still here.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty," he whispered softly, not wanting to fully wake her up.

He helped her out of the car and when she looked around herself, there was nothing but deep dark forest.

"The ride wouldn't take so long but I wanted to make sure they won't find out about this place," he said as they made their way into a wooden cabin.

Jeongguk held the door for her as they walked inside. The cabin was dark and probably empty, which made her stumble back and move closer to Jeongguk's side, their hips touching.

"It's okay, this is the safest place I know," a reassuring voice was heard, but she couldn't see him, just a shape of his figure.

He reached to the right and turned a small lamp on, the only source of light inside the whole building.

It was a big cabin, with large rooms, decorated with wooden furniture and many framed paintings on each wall. How did he get to a place like this?

"This is what we call a safehouse. We always come here when someone tries to follow or spot us."

"Does Yoongi know about what happened?" Ellie asked when he led her to a room which seemed to be a living room and sat her down on a couch.

"He knows, don't worry. I called him before we came here. He's trying to find those men who were after us," Jeongguk said and messed the hair at the back of his head.

"But what about Nancy?!" Ellie panicked as soon as she remembered her roommate who could be now hurt or something even worse if she came back home. She didn't want to imagine such a thing.

"Don't worry. Taehyung called her and made sure she stayed at her boyfriend's place," he comforted her.

"I'll go take a shower. You can take the room on the right, there's also a bathroom," he pointed at one of the wooden door and took off his jacket.

As she walked into the room and turned on the light inside, she saw a large bed with freshly washed sheets. How could it smell so nice if they barely come here? She then remembered they're all rich and probably have someone to take care of it from time to time.

She opened another door, showing a small but also very nice bathroom. She pulled all her clothes off and slowly walked into the shower. She turned the water on and as soon as she felt the hot water warm up her skin, she sighed, allowing herself to relax and let the water wash all the stress and tenseness from before.

They made it.

They made it in one piece just because her and Jeongguk created a great duo.

She smiled at the thought of how Jeongguk enjoyed the whole dramatic ride while shooting from his gun through the window, and how she almost broke the wheel from how firmly she was holding it.

When she walked out of the shower, and dried herself up, she realised she had no time to bring any spare clothes when they left. She called for Jeongguk and waited, hoping the walls were thin enough for him to hear.

"Yes?" was heard from the other side of the door after a minute.

"Do you maybe have some spare shirt? I don't have any other clothes to wear," she asked shyly.

She swore she could hear him mumble something like 'don't wear anything then,' but decided to ignore him.

"Jeongguk, please."

"Open the door," she heard him order and opened the door carefully, making sure he couldn't see anything but her head.

"Thank you," she grabbed a piece of clothing from his out-stretched hand, which she assumed was a t-shirt.

She put it on, seeing how big his shirt was on her. It was exposing her collarbones and was clearly too long for her as it ended somewhere in the middle of her thighs, but still exposing much more than she wanted.

She walked outside of the room, ready (not really) to face the dangerous man. As soon as she walked out, she saw Jeongguk sitting on a couch, phone in his hand.

She walked over to him, sitting just beside him, keeping the distance but he could still smell the scent of her shampoo mixed with the cologne on his shirt she was wearing. His mouth opened a bit, forming a "o" shape.

"What?" she asked as she started to feel uncomfortable under his stare.

He soon realised what he was allowing himself to do and closed his mouth, gulping hard. This was going to be an interesting night. For both of them.

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