|45| - They should have rather burned the house

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No words could describe how glad Ellie was for not having to wake up to that disturbing sound of her alarm. Yes, she knew she could change the sound but she was used to waking up and cursing at it as the first thing in the morning.

This morning, it was different. She didn't wake up to Yoongi's shifting on the bed like she used to during their trip. Neither it was her alarm, but a ringtone.

She groans quietly and thinks who the hell is calling her in the morning. And mainly when she looks at the screen, why the hell was Jeongguk calling her right now?

Ellie looks to the other side of the bed to see Yoongi still deeply asleep next to her. She gets from under the covers and walks (no reason to tip-toe because Yoongi wouldn't even flinch anyways) to the bathroom.

She closes the door behind her and accepts the call, the first thing she heard was Jeongguk's rushed voice when he scolds her for taking so long to answer.

"What's going on, Gguk?" she asks calmly but he doesn't let her talk just yet.

"Are you and hyung okay? Where are you? Are you alone?" he spills too many questions at her that she doesn't even catch them all and tries to stop him instead.

"Jeongguk please calm down, what the hell got into you?" Ellie raises her voice to calm the overreactive man.

"So...y-you are okay?" he shutters, voice still worried.

"Yes, we were both sleeping. Why are you acting so weird?"

A relieved sigh is heard from the phone.

"Uhm...You are coming back home today, right?"

"Yes, we'll be leaving the hotel in a few hours. We should be at the airport at 2."

"Okay, keep your phone charged and call me when you get into the plane. I will come pick you up once you land. If anything happens, call me first, okay?" he rushes, feeling a bit calmer but still uneasy about something what Ellie still knew nothing about because he would not answer her questions even though she already asked three times.

"Okay, fine," she rolled her eyes and cancelled the call before he could finish what he started saying.

Jeon Jeongguk was indeed the strangest person Ellie ever met.

But she learned to live with that.


They landed at Seoul's airport earlier than expected. Everything felt different back there, even the air was different. They were back to reality.

Yoongi called Namjoon because he was already in the town so he came to pick them up. Ellie tried to fight the slight disappointment she felt after hearing that Jeongguk won't come to pick them up.

They were both exhausted from the flight so they hugged Namjoon who was already waiting outside of the airport and immediately got into the car, wanting to be already home in peace and carelessly take a nap. Only if they knew.

The three of them were in front of the mansion 20 minutes later. Namjoon told them to go inside and he'd carry their stuff inside. Yoongi was the first one to open the entrance door and wanted to step in but there was a chair right next to the door which definitely didn't belong there.

The two of them, thankfully being small and skinny, somehow managed to get through the door and walk to the living room where they wanted to collapse on the huge and comfortable couch.

But the couch could be barely seen.

To describe the situation, it was the exact opposite of what the two siblings expected.

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