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"Where are you going?" a deep sleepy voice comes from behind her as her hand goes for the door knot of her room. She stops in her tracks.

"Don't talk to me, Jeon," Ellie shuts him up, not turning around to look at the boy. She really didn't want to listen to him. There was no way they could talk about yesterday.

"Are you trying to run away from me again?" he asks innocently, as if he didn't know what happened a few hours earlier.

Turning around to look at freshly-awaken Jeongguk who's still sitting on her chair, she sees his dark eyes staring at her. He looks calm, peaceful even. He always does in the morning.

"I am not trying to run away from you," she argues, not liking how he's getting through her mask.

"Yes, you are. You always do."

Ellie stares at him while standing at the door, looking at him with disbelief. She shakes her head and shuts the door behind her.


Later that day, after successfully spending the whole day away from the house, Ellie walks inside the warehouse. It seemed empty, only a quiet 'hi' was heard from Jimin who was sitting on a couch inside the living room. He's been too quiet lately.

She sits next to him, looking at the empty wall in silence until Taehyung comes from upstairs and calls Jimin to go practice with him. They started visiting the shooting range in the basement quite often these days.

"Jin hyung will be home in an hour, Ell," Taehyung announces before leaving her in the living room. Alone.

She needed to talk to someone.

Walking upstairs and turning to the left to knock at the door, a voice is heard from inside.

"Come in."

"Hi," she mumbles after entering, walking over to the bed and watching the boy who was over head in some papers.

He looks up at her and puts the papers aside.

"Why are you upset?" he asks straight away, noticing there was something wrong with her right at the moment she entered.

Ellie sighs and sits in front of him on the bed.
"Hoseok...I am getting paranoid."

"Why would you think that?" he tilts his head slightly to the side, looking at her with a curious expression.

"I feel like someone keeps following me. Even today, when I was walking to Nancy's place. I just had that feeling," Ellie explains, voice weak and worried. It was hard to admit it to herself.

"You should tell Jeongguk. He'll know what to do the best."

She shakes her head at his advice.

"I don't want to talk to him."

"You need to. He's the one who can keep you safe. Please do, Ellie, before it's too late."


Ellie hated asking people for help. Mainly if it was about protecting her, and asking Jeongguk for help...That wasn't going to happen.

She could take care of herself. She had to.

At the same day, Ellie invited her boyfriend over to their house to cook dinner together. She had no idea why the  sudden urge to spend more time with him came, but the guilt was eating her alive deep inside. She couldn't believe Jeongguk left a hickey on her.

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