|63| - Make you believe me

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everybody say thank you to my friend Di for this fanart


The moment Ellie wakes up, she's reminded of the events from a few hours earlier. Jeongguk's protective arm is still wrapped around waist, reminding her he's still by her side.

Ellie carefully switches to face him, getting a view of his sleeping state. She can't help it but admire how peaceful he looks like this.

Hair curled and messy, falling over his forehead and ending just slightly above his eyes. The puffy lips are open just a little, letting out soft snorts.

Ellie stares at his peaceful state for a minute or more, admiring the way he looks like a complete opposite of his dangerous side.

It's silent between the two, only soft snorts coming from Jeongguk until she hears his deep morning voice speak.

"My Ellie," it sounds and she realises he must be still asleep.

At that moment, Ellie's heart starts beating much faster. He is making it so hard to leave.

Five minutes later, with a kiss on his forehead and mumbling a quiet 'I am sorry', Ellie leaves.


"I just don't like them."

"Why? Because they have a few tattoos and piercings?"

"A few?"

"Okay, maybe a little more but that still doesn't make them bad people."

Ellie knows they look different, but she is irritated by the way he is talking about her friends. Mostly Jeongguk, her inner voice reminds her.

"I am not meaning to be judgemental but you never used to hang out with people like them before."

"They are not different from us, they are just not scared to show their real selves."

"Well, I don't like you being with them all the time. They are changing you."

"Well, Steven..." she starts but the door flies open.

Her eyes follow Steven's to an angry Jeongguk storming into the room, the room of Steven's apartment.

Ellie looks at Jeongguk, then at Steven, and back to Jeongguk. There is no possible way this is going to end up well.

"What are you doing here?" her voice betrays her as it breaks in the middle of the sentence.

To be honest, she didn't really want to hear the answer. Not until Jeongguk is still in the same room as Steven. There's no way this is going to end well, she realises.

"What do you think I am doing here after you disappear before I woke up? Again," Jeongguk snaps back at her, eyes miles far from the soft ones that stared back at her last night.

Steven's face fills with anger and Ellie sees that he's slowly putting the puzzle pieces together.

She is torn between trying to explain Jeongguk why she left and explain Steven what is going on. She'd really appreciate if it was just one of them at the time. This way, she knew one of them will be smacking the door behind himself soon, if not smacking the other's head between it, most likely Jeongguk.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞.||Jungkook&BTSWhere stories live. Discover now