|89| - Brother from the past

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"Get up, we need to keep going. The rest will find out we got their men down."

Jaewoon stares up at the younger who's offering him a hand to take but he shakes his head and chooses to rather roll on his stomach and push himself off the ground alone.
"Acting as if you were sacrificing me was smart, but you are still an idiot. Do you know that?"

"I get that quite often."

"Your plan could have at least included keeping one of them alive, so we'd be able to find out where they're keeping her," Jaewoon complains as he looks down at the lifeless bodies on the floor. He tries to keep up with a rushing Jeongguk, having a hard time at that since his knee's still causing him a lot of pain.

"Keep it down, there's another one."

Both of them carefully get down to the floor to hide from an armed man walking right towards them.

"Are you planning to kill him too?"

"No, I'll catch him and make him tell me where she is," Jeongguk spills while putting a gun back to his belt and watching the enemy take a turn to the left only a few meters in front of them, darkness in the tunnel giving them an ideal cover.

"So now you are listening to me."

"Stay behind, I will bring him here," Jeongguk orders and is immediately back to his legs and quietly rushes towards the enemy.

"Here we go again," rolling his eyes, Jaewoon doesn't want to take the risk and chooses to follow the fellow member.

He pulls his gun out just to be prepared but what he doesn't expect is to find the two men in a tight hug right as he looks behind the corner.

"Jeongguk is that really you?" the supposed enemy smiles widely at Jeongguk, hands gripping his shoulders as he keeps grinning.

"What the hell is going on?" Jaewoon surprises Jeongguk once he shows up from behind him, checking the other man from head to toes.

"Jaewoon, this is Junsu. He was my friend when I first got into the previous gang."


"Believe me, I would have never thought you were the one my boss was talking about when he said some trained killer would be coming for the girl," Junsu speaks as he is walking through the dark tunnel right by Jeongguk's side.

"The girl, her name is Ellie. Is she still here? Is she okay?"

"She is, but there's no way you could get to her," they stop, the sign of hope disappearing from Jeongguk's eyes.

"Tell that to someone who hadn't already murder four people in these tunnels," Jaewoon speaks up, getting both of their attention as they head to the part of the tunnel where the fight happened. "Your people, may I add."

Junsu's gaze falls to the floor, seeing four unmoving bodies on the ground, their blood drying off at the walls.

"It was a fast death, Junsu. If you know anything about me from your boss, I am sure it's that I'd do anything to save her," Jeongguk's hand squeezes Junsu's shoulder, eyes staring into his in despair.

"You won't have to," Jaewoon brings their attention back to himself, pointing at the opposite end of the tunnel. "Seems like she already did that herself."

Jeongguk turns to look at what Jaewoon's pointing at and the moment he sees her running towards them, his world turns upside down again.

She looks so scared, running as fast as she can even though her legs seem to be giving up.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞.||Jungkook&BTSWhere stories live. Discover now