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"What the hell do you want?"

"Jeez Ell, can you at least act like you don't hate me?" Jeongguk sighed, trying to seem like her attitude hurt him.

"That will be difficult since I do hate you.

Okay, he has a point, but no matter what it is, he had no right to come to her school's gym and stalk them.

"Fine, why are you here Jeongguk?" she asked once again, this time a little nicer and with less of a glare and disgusted expression.

"That's much better. Go get your things, I am taking you somewhere," he said casually, grabbing the jacket from the seat next to him and standing up.

"Pardon? No offence but I am not going anywhere with you," Ellie said after processing what he said.

"Come on, princess. You wouldn't let me go eat alone," he said with what were supposed to be puppy eyes. But damn the jerk looked cute.

"Sorry, but -" she was about to apologise and make up some plan so she could ditch him but Jeongguk didn't let her continue.

"I have coupons to McDonalds," he said with a big smile.

'He has what?!'

He knew he got her right there. And she knew it too.

"Fine. But I have one condition," she gave up with a sigh, shoulders dropping because how could she ever say no to that?!

"What is it?" he asked with a smile, putting hands into the pockets of his black jeans, clearly enjoying his victory.

"If I go, you will stop following me on my every step," she said strictly, trying to seem like she was the one in charge but it was never her when it came to Jeongguk.

"Okay, but I can't promise anything."

"You'll have to. I still have one class left, so you can wait for me outside. I mean, if you really want to go," the girl said, studying his features in search for any signs of joking but there weren't. Jeongguk was dead serious.

"Okay, see you then." He jumped down from the tribune and walked over to the door.

"And Jeongguk?" she stopped him as he reached the door few meters from her.

He turned back around to look at her with a questioning 'hm' sound.

"It's definitely not a date," she pronounced every word clearly but the boy just smiled widely at the thought of her considering it as a date.

"Your wish is my command. Don't let me wait for long," was what he said before leaving the gym.

She stayed still for the next few seconds, processing what the hell had just happened and if Jeongguk was really acting kind and trying to take her on a date or if it was all just her imagination.

"Well, well. What was that?" her best friend's voice brought her back to the real world.

"Uhm, we're going to McDonalds after school," Ellie confessed carefully, already knowing what Nancy's reaction would be.

"He asked you on a date? He as for Jeon Jeongguk?! And you said yes, thank god!" she screamed.

"It's not a date!" Ellie tried to calm her down but she was given no time.

"My best friend is going on a date with the sexiest man on earth!" Nancy screamed as she pulled the younger in a hug. And that's when Ellie realised, that her best friend wasn't the only one to know the news, but the rest of her classmates, both boys and girls knew too.

But even worse was, why the hell was she blushing?


Ellie Cooper was in a deep shit.

She left the school with many questions in her head after her best friend gave her what she named "a friendly good luck punch". It wasn't as friendly as it sounds.

So she left the school building, wearing her school uniform, because she had nowhere and no clothes to change.

She made her way to Jeongguk's black expensive car. He was already waiting outside for her, probably has been for an hour or so but he didn't seem to mind as his arm was comfortably hanging out of the opened window.

And of course, just like she expected the rich Jeon Jeongguk to be, he was wearing some expensive probably designer clothes while she was in her lame uniform.

"Get in," he said with a smirk.

"I am not going anywhere in this," she said as she checked his clothes more closely. A leather jacket, basic grey shirt but probably costed fortune just like those tight black jeans which perfectly fit his muscular thighs.

Nope, she's definitely not going anywhere like this.

"Don't be such a woman and get in."

"No, Jeongguk. You need to drive me home so I can change. It will be 5 minutes I promise!" she jumped into the car even though she said no before.

He moved closer, booping her nose before starting the car.

'Did he just boop my nose?! Can't he see how serious this is?' she thought.

"Were you even listening to what I was saying?!" she raised her voice at Jeongguk who didn't let her ruin his mood.

"Yes, but I have no time to waste so we'll be going right now. I haven't eaten anything today."

"Wow, poor baby Jeonggukie," she acted as if she was salving a baby but regretted it immediately after seeing the growing smirk on Jeongguk's face.

"Not that I don't like you calling me baby but I am really grumpy when hungry so let's go," he said to which Ellie just leaned back to her seat thinking 'you must be always hungry then'.

"You're unbelievable."

"That's me. Now put the seatbelt on," Jeongguk ordered, not even looking at the girl next to her.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞.||Jungkook&BTSWhere stories live. Discover now