[16] - Jeongguk needs to chill

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Déjà vu.
A French term describing the feeling that one has lived through the present situation before.

Ellie definitely was having Déjà vu.

Steven just walked her right to the front door of her apartment and they were currently standing there awkwardly, both waiting for the other to say something.

"So..." she started as she leaned her back on the door but didn't know what to say anyways.

"So." Steven smiled at her and they both chuckled at their awkwardness.

"So, that guy from yesterday. Is he your..."

"Definitely not," she didn't need to wait for him to finish the question since she already knew what the it was gonna be. And she was in no mood to bring Jeongguk into this. Not now, not ever.

"Good." He smiled while looking straight into her eyes.

He kept looking at her and started leaning dangerously close to her face.

She knew what was coming but she definitely wasn't ready to face the situation he put her into.

She saw his eyes closing as his face kept getting closer and closer. She soon felt his lips on hers, his hand cupping her cheek. He moved his lips slowly, tilting his head to the side to get a better access.

'Was this what kissing was supposed to feel like?' she thought to herself, starting to consider it as extremely overrated.

She was slowly starting to recover and was about to kiss back when something made her stumble back, away from Steven. She was met with a hard chest, hoping this all was just a dream and once she turns around she won't see anyone standing behind her.

But luck wasn't on her side that day.

She slowly turned around to see the one who was holding her by her hips, protecting her from falling back. She thanked god it wasn't-


Well fuck.

Ellie found out that thankfully Jimin, was the owner of the hands on her hips but unfortunately, she saw the other man who was standing right behind him.

Jeongguk. A very mad Jeongguk.

Everything happened so fast, she didn't catch their expressions clearly, but it was easy to guess.

Steven was shocked and clearly disappointed by getting interrupted again.

Jimin was also a bit shocked but seemed more like he was trying to hold back laughter.

But at the top of that, Jeongguk's expression was the one that made her shiver. She never thought his eyes could get any darker, but the sight in front of her proved otherwise.

"I am sorry. We've had a bad timing, didn't we?" Jimin chuckled but decided to shut up instead after seeing Jeongguk's glare.

"Sorry. I'll go buy something to eat,"  he then coughed and quickly ran away, leaving poor Ellie with the two men who were just in the middle of a staring contest.

"Get in," Jeongguk said in a husky voice, his eyes not leaving Steven's face.

She wanted to scream at him to not tell her what to do in her own fucking house but seeing the look on his face made her rethink the whole thing and she rather quickly passed by Jeongguk while walking inside and muttering a 'sorry' to Steven before Jeongguk agressively closed the door right in front of his face.

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