|65| - A few kidnappings later

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"Happy birthday!" Jimin shouts while rushing inside the room with the other boys behind him.

Ellie stays still, not just because she's still tied to the chair, but mainly because she's way too speechless to say a word. As she stares at them with her mouth open, she finally gets the whole situation, but she doesn't feel any revelation.

"Oh no, I told you she's gonna be mad," Jimin shutters towards Taehyung, smile immediately dropping as he sees Ellie's pale face.

"Okay, maybe we shouldn't have-"

"Kidnapping me on my birthday, wow, what a great present," Ellie rolls her eyes.

Jeongguk isn't here. Nor is Yoongi.

"You definitely shouldn't have," Namjoon whispers to the two.

"Put this down," she shows her wrists to the guy, the one who dragged her here in the first place.

"Ellie, wait, at least let us drive you," Hoseok rushes after Ellie who's about to leave the place with her hands finally untied.

"No way," she snaps.

"Ellie, wait, Jeongguk will kill us if you leave alone," the words slip through Hoseok's lips, but damn he's right.

For a second, she finally stops in her tracks and sighs in annoyance.

"Fine. But we're going home."

No matter how stubborn Ellie is, and believe that she is a lot, she gives up because she's really not in the mood for walking home alone. And to be honest, she has no idea where the hell she is.

Walking to one of the boys' car, she gets inside the closest one with Taehyung rushing after her.

She ignores Jin who sits on the passenger's seat next to Taehyung and also the way they exchange mischievous smiles.

"You are gonna hate us so much, Ellie," Jin announces as he turns to the back to look at frowning Ellie.

"What the hell are you two planning this time?"

Jin shoots a huge smile towards Taehyung who starts the car and drives away.

"We may just be kidnapping you again."


Ellie just silently watches Taehyung drive around the whole building as she has no energy to argue with him.

The building seems like an old factory. That's until Taehyung pulls the car down the road inside the complex.

They are forced to stop the car in front of a metal gate while Namjoon, Jimin and Hoseok inside the car in front of them open the gate after pressing their palms against something which seemed like a sensor on the wall.

Once the gate is open, Ellie's eyes widen twice their size as what seemed like an old factory turns into a modern hall with a wide balcony above them and doors all around the place.

It seems like a scene from some triller movie more than reality and she can't believe the boys she's so close with are a part of something this big.

Taehyung parks the car just next to Namjoon and looks at Ellie's still astonished expression with a smile.

"Welcome to the warehouse, Ellie."

The double kidnapping is quickly forgotten as she's leaving the car and looking all around herself.

"Go tell Zedd we're here," Namjoon says to Jimin but she barely pays any attention to them.

"Where the hell am I?" she asks while staring up at the balcony.

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