|68| - A letter from the past

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"So how are things between you two?"

"Good," Ellie nods, an awkward smile playing on her lips.

"Good? It doesn't seem to be just good," Nancy teases, taking the glass of wine from Ellie's hand when she sees her sipping on it to keep herself from answering.

"We are actually trying to keep some distance," Ellie admits, not liking this whole 'Jeongguk talk'.

"You two keeping distance? Tell me he was the one who came up with that and I am not letting you have any more wine tonight," Nancy gives her a sarcastic scoff.

"No, it was me."

"Well, that makes more sense. He can't stay more than three feet away from you."

The two friends laugh at Jeongguk's behaviour and constant need to protect his leader's little sister.

"Are other guys around here too?" Nancy asks while standing near the window and looking down at the parking lot from the seventh floor.

"No, why?" Ellie lifts her head up as she takes her glass back.

"He's talking to someone down there."

Ellie's muscles flex as she freezes at the couch for a second before jumping up and rushing to the window where Nancy's standing.

"Who's that guy?" she hears her ask with eyes pointed at the man in a black suit opposite Jeongguk.

"I don't know..."

"Maybe it's his dad?" Nancy tries to calm down her friend but Ellie only shakes her head, eyes never leaving the scene down there.

"It can't be...Jeongguk doesn't have parents anymore."

The room fills with silence as Nancy blankly stares at Ellie.

"Let's have another glass," she tries to take her away from the spot near the window, and thankfully, for once she fights back her stubbornness.

"You've changed so much since you'd met them," Nancy speaks up first again, giving the younger girl a proud look from the opposite side of the couch.

"Tell me about it. I feel like the whole world just turned upside down," Ellie leaves a sigh, playing with the half full glass of wine.

"They make you stronger."

Their eyes meet and Ellie gulps, knowing that her best friend is right, but she's not as strong as she needs to be. She'll need to be able to protect herself, not useless like she was just earlier today.

"But I make them weaker."

The bell at the door is heard and there's
no doubt Jeongguk has already had enough of his time away from her.


"Have you two finished?" Jeongguk's curious face shows up when Nancy opens the door of her apartment.

"Yeah, for now," she smiles and pushes Ellie from behind her to give Jeongguk back what he came for.

"Enjoy the rest of your day," is whispered as the two best friends share a warm hug.

"Thank you," Ellie lets go of Nancy's hand and takes a step towards Jeongguk who's eyes are fully on her.

The two of them wave goodbye and before the elevator door closes, Nancy reminds him.
"Take care of her."

"I always will," he whispers and Ellie's eyes soften at the sound of those words coming from Jeongguk.


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞.||Jungkook&BTSWhere stories live. Discover now