[27] - A gunshot

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It was a calm night. Thank god Ellie was a good child and didn't drink much at the party. She woke up when the sun was already shining brightly, fortunately, with no headache.

She left her room to pour herself a glass of water and as soon as she walked into the kitchen, she saw Jeongguk was still there, sitting on a kitchen counter. It was very unusual to see him in her kitchen at 7 am.
She walked past him, grabbed a cup and watched him as he continued unaffectedly chewing on a toast.

"Good morning," he muttered with a full mouth when he noticed her.

"I thought you'd be gone when I wake up," she confessed while filling the glass.

He froze for a second, looking very funny with the mouth full and chubby.

"Did you want me to?" he raised an eyebrow in question.

"No, it's fine. I am going to school anyways," she said on her way to the bathroom to get ready.

When she got out about 20 minutes later, she saw Jeongguk already wearing his clothes from yesterday. He offered her a ride to school which she gladly accepted because walking all the way there wasn't much fun.

"You have classes even at weekends?" he started a conversation between them as they got into his car.

"Yep, what can I say, med university..." she frowned.

"So...Do you really want to become a doctor?" he spoke again, peeking at her more often than he should for a driver. He was careful while leading the conversation since she still doubted his behaviour, but he tried to keep it natural.

"Yeah, a surgeon," she nodded slightly.

"That's great, I always knew you must be really smart," he smiled a bit, looking proud.

"Did you really?" she asked him with eyebrows raised, she really doubted that.

Jeongguk was defeated. Of course she had to bring the past back again.
Why can't she just let him do one thing right?

"Yes, I mean it. You have it in you," he smiled again, looking right at her before looking back at the road in front of him. And she believed him.

"Thank you. That means a lot," Ellie mumbled shyly, still not used to this version of Jeongguk.

"We're here," he said after a while when they arrived to the school area and the car stopped.

"Thank you," she smiled a bit unsurely as she was grabbing her bagpack.

"No problem," he smiled back at her, making her feel warm inside. It was weird to see Jeongguk with this kind of smile. The sincere and kind one. It didn't suit him, yet it did perfectly. Weird.

"See you later," she waved and Jeongguk watched her walk away from his parked car.

"Be a good girl, Ell," he screamed through an open window once she was farer away from the car. He then laughed at her humiliated expression when everyone around her turned to stare at both of then. She was so cute.

What the hell is wrong with Jeongguk?


Ellie finished her third class today and it was finally the best time of the day - time for lunch. All the students gathered inside of the school canteen to get their lunches and Ellie did as well.

She was looking for her wallet to go buy something to eat since she was already starving. She was surprised to find a lunchbox at the very bottom of her bag.

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