|55| - Time bomb

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Lemme just upload this and run away.


Everything seemed to be fine until it wasn't.

If anything, at least people can always learn from their mistakes. And Ellie surely did.

That you can't have everything you want but usually need to sacrifice something to get what you desire. No one can have all the things they want, no matter how much they crave it.

After her talk with Hoseok, Ellie didn't even get to greet the boys because they had to go somewhere once again. So she ended up with Taehyung to babysit her, but in fact it was more like she was the one babysitting him.

They were both in their own rooms until Taehyung came over to her to announce that he was bored and begged her to entertain him, so she gave him a huge-ass puzzle which he could try to put together, knowing that he'd have to spend days to put it all together so he will surely be entertained enough.

Thinking how she wanted to be alone at first, she was now happy that he came to her. She felt less lonely with him in her presence even though they exchanged only a few words. Still, it made her forget how guilty she felt.

Because guilt was all she was left with after the painful words Jeongguk said to her.

'You are dead to me, Cooper.'

They kept replaying inside her head, all over again and again, she swore she would get mad by now if Taehyung wasn't bringing her back to reality with his never-ending complaining.

It's good to have a friend sitting next to you when you're hurting the most.

What made her even more anxious was Jeongguk. He disappeared and it was already past midnight but he still hasn't come back. She was getting worried.

She knew Jeongguk was the type to get extremely drunk when being angry and beat up anyone who'd come to his way. She just hoped he was in one of their warehouses where members knew how to handle him. She hoped he was.

Another half an hour passed and she would have gone to look for him if he didn't come right when she wanted to stand up. She heard loud foot steps as someone was walking up the stairs which lead to the main hall where all their rooms were located.

She knew who that someone was, she didn't even think about him being someone else. And Taehyung knew too, his head shot up and stared at the door right as the sounds came, listening carefully and being ready to attack in case it was someone uninvited.

The loud steps continued and they could both hear Jeongguk walking right past Ellie's door and that was when her body shot up and she smashed the door open.

"Jeongguk, we need to talk," she said louder than she wanted and her voice even broke a little from all the force she put into her movements.

Taehyung immediately pulled her slightly back to the room, his senses being turned on and ready to fight as his protective mood has been activated.

He may have been a child according to his playful behaviour but when it came to his loved ones being in danger, he was a dangerous predator ready to attack whoever dared to endanger his pack.

Ellie's voice got caught in the back of her throat at the sight of Jeongguk with an unknown girl by his side.

She hasn't seen her before but she was easy to judge by the lack of clothes and on the other side the heavy amount of make up she had on with a stupid smirk on her face.

She did not try to hide jealousy anymore, there was no point in that and they both knew it. She gazed at the hand on the girl's waist which immediately pulled her closer to his body as the owner saw Ellie's eyes glued on it.

"We need to talk," she repeated, now even more firmly and dominantly than the first time, head held high.

Jeongguk stares at her for a few seconds, his heart immediately picks up the speed but his anger is way too strong, enough to overtake his senses and talk back with no temper.

"Get lost, I don't want to waste my time on you," he spills the words like hot coffee, right on Ellie's chest, finishing it with placing his soft cherry lips on the girl's neck as he messily leads her to his room.

The door closes behind them as he kicked it with full force, leaving a very confused Taehyung and more than very furious Ellie in the hall alone.

"I am done with that idiot," Ellie pushes Taehyung inside the room and also kicks the door closed behind them, loud enough for Jeongguk to hear it.

She jumped on the bed and started scrolling on her phone while Taehyung was still standing near the door, watching her bitter grimace and replaying the scene in his head.

"He wouldn't do that if he wasn't drunk, you know," he tells her, knowing the youngest behaviour upset her and she's now only trying to look like it didn't.

"I don't know anymore."

"I don't know you two anymore," he says as he sits down next to her and sighs, wondering why the hell did the two youngest have to be so confusing.

He wished she'd notice how much the situation upset him because not only the two of them were not happy with how things between them are, but the other members also. They were both like a ticking bomb which no one ever knew when would explode.

"First, you hate each other from the very first sight, then you suddenly become friends, then you argue like two dogs again, then it's kinda okay and now this again? Is it that hard to say that you like the other?!"

"No, Taehyung. You don't-"

"I do, Ellie. Yes, I do, clearly more than you. You are trying to run from your feelings but they always get back on you and you both explode, all over again."

"I have a boyfriend, Taehyung. A boyfriend who's kind to me," she tries to make an argument out of this, but Taehyung knows it's all more like an act.

"Then why do you always run back to Jeongguk?"

And there he hit the right spot. There's no need to describe how much off guard it caught her.

"It won't happen again."

And that's how she put an end to their conversation.

Later, Taehyung was still slightly bitter about it but he didn't really let it show.

The two of them decided to go to sleep since it was already past midnight but the never-ending sounds coming from the room next to hers were so unbearable that they had to move to Taehyung's room for the night which was thankfully at the other end of the hall.

'You want to play dirty Jeongguk...then that's how we'll play,' was the thought Ellie was falling asleep with.


Have you heard about the saying that your pupils tend to dilate when you see someone you love? And that's a fact, but they also do the same when you see someone you hate.

Ellie was scared to know for which reason her pupils always dilate once she sees Jeongguk.

Fearing the fact that it may be both.

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