|88| - The Princess

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i promised i'd update soon so here it is.
btw. all my the 100 enthusiasts you are welcome😎

"I would tell you to let Jeongguk know not to go here but I bet he got here before us

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"I would tell you to let Jeongguk know not to go here but I bet he got here before us."

"Longer before than you think," Namjoon corrects his leader, following the tracks until he finds a dead body left behind.

"Was that really him?" Jimin whispers, staring down at the body of a red-haired man while Yoongi walks over to them and joins, looking down in silence.

Namjoon nods, observing the evident wounds left after bullets.

"He wouldn't leave a body behind just like that."

"He would if he knew they would be coming back to look for it," Yoongi turns to his left to stare at frowning Jimin, denying his predictions.

"It was a warning..."

"You are right. Three shots. One hit his arm from farer away, probably a defensive shot. Next one on the shoulder and the last one from short distance...straight to his heart."

"Looks like he was trying to make him talk before he killed him," Yoongi speaks out to himself, thinking the whole thing through again and again, trying to visualise the scene that happened here less than an hour ago.

"And he most likely got the information he wanted."

"Wait, there are more tracks, seems like he wasn't alone."
The three continue staring at the body until Jin calls for them from the other side of the place, the two older, Yoongi and Namjoon, running to him straight away.

"What do we do now hyung?" Namjoon asks, hopelessly looking around the place which has no more tracks which could possibly help them find their youngest.

Yoongi only shakes his head, being clear about his answer.
"There's no way we can find him until he wants us to."

"Yoongi hyung, isn't that the tattoo Gguk used to tell us about?" Jimin calls for them, studying the thin iron chain tattooed at the side of the man's neck that goes all the way to his back and down to his chest, as if caging him in his own body.

"Now we know exactly who he's looking for."

"Guys," Hoseok calls from the corner of the room, panicked eyes searching the old hall.
"Where's Taehyung?"


"What is he going to do to her?"

The surroundings fall into silence, the question remaining unanswered.

"She's waking up," a woman's voice calls out, one that seems way too familiar.

The place is dark as a blank night sky until the unrecognised fabric in front of her eyes is pulled down, leaving her exposed to the sudden brightness of the room.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞.||Jungkook&BTSWhere stories live. Discover now