|09| - Same old lies

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The person who appeared at the door of her apartment was the person she used to call dad, but since the moment she found out the truth, she knew he'd never be her father again.

She knew she'd never be able to forgive him for killing her own mother and even lying about it.

Everything seemed to be fine, Ellie and Taehyung (who she later introduced as her boyfriend) greeted him and seated him inside the living room.

Her stomach was flipping from all those fake smiles she had to give to the man. It was all fake and she was disgusted from herself. She wanted to slap him, more than once and Jeongguk felt the same when he appeared in the living room after a while to check on them.

Anger was evident on his face as soon as he saw the man he hated from the first time he heard about him from Yoongi, but he couldn't let it be seen any longer because the man's attention was now on him.

Jeongguk came over to them, greeted the older man and excused himself to go grab some food.

He went to the kitchen, thankful that Ellie's father wasn't paying any attention to him because the whole roommates act wouldn't be very believable anymore if he couldn't find the fridge in his own apartment.

He scanned the kitchen and finally found it, grabbed some milk with snacks and went back to his room. He stopped before he could open the door because he noticed Ellie's expression.

He stayed there for a second to get her attention. He showed her a thumb up when she looked at him, asking if everything's okay. She gave him a bitter smile as a response so he went back to his room, trying to ignore Taehyung's arm which was hanged over her shoulders.

Jeongguk closed himself in the room, grabbing his phone to update his hyung.

Jeongguk closed himself in the room, grabbing his phone to update his hyung

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'2 hours...
The fucker has been here for two hours.'
Jeongguk thought.

He wasn't usually this way, but he was slowly getting impatient. He wondered what else could he go get to the kitchen but he couldn't think of anything.

He was slowly becoming uneasy.

It took him another 10 minutes of blankly staring at the ceiling until he finally stood up and went back there to check the situation.

He made his way to the kitchen and found the three of them in the same positions as they were before, but now Taehyung's arm was around Ellie's waist, holding her protectively.

Jeongguk was glad that Ellie's father didn't seem to notice his appearance. He grabbed a glass of water and on the way back to his room he overheard a conversation going on between the three of them.

"Oh, my lovely daughter. You look just like your beautiful mother. There wasn't a single day I wouldn't miss her."

Jeongguk's eyes fell on Ellie's face, he watched every little change of her expression. Her eyes were dark, filled with anger he didn't think she had inside of her and they were very soon to be filled with tears so he knew he had to react fast. After all, he owes this to Yoongi.

"Ellie, could you please come here for a minute? Something happened at school, your teacher called."

Her tensed muscles relaxed a bit when she heard him. She walked over to his room and he closed the door behind them.

Ellie immediately threw herself on the bed, letting her emotions tame over her being as she cried into the pillow to keep herself quiet.

Jeongguk was taken aback, he's never been in this situation before, so he had no idea how to react nor how to help her. He was trying to think but had no time for that.

Too bad, that the only experience he had with women was in bed. He always stayed with them for the night and then never saw them again. But none of that was gonna help him now.

He didn't know what to do. The first thing he thought of was to text Jimin and ask how to comfort a girl who's crying but he got no time for that.

"Shit, why me..." he mumbled as he put his hands on each side of his head and turned around to scan the room. He was a member of a gang, he was supposed to be a scary guy with a gun in his hand, not being in a room and trying to comfort the girl he hated.

He then let his hands fall to his sides and sighed. He came closer to Ellie, who was still crying with a pillow in her hands.

He kneed down in front of her, trying to take the pillow from her hands.

"Come on, Ellie, look at me." He touched her chin, making her look down at him.

"He's a fucker and he'll be dead soon. We'll take care of that. Don't worry, okay?" he said with the softest voice that even he didn't know he could let out.

"I don't want to go back there." She sniffed and Jeongguk gulped when he saw her big puffy eyes staring back at him.

"I know, princess. But you have to if you want this to work."

She seemed to be thinking for a while but the truth was that she was surprised by Jeongguk's sudden behaviour. She didn't know a guy with those tattoos all over his body and a darkngaze he always used to give her could be this comforting.

"You're Yoongi's sister. You have to be strong."

"You're right."
She nodded as she wiped off her tears with the sleeves of her sweater.

She then stood up and smiled at Jeongguk who was still kneeling on the floor before coming back to the living room.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞.||Jungkook&BTSWhere stories live. Discover now