Hibernation (Part 2)

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Happy burst into the classroom and saw the whole class huddled around Pete's desk. "Move out of the way!" Happy barked, pushing some teenagers out of the way.

"Who are you?" Flash yelled.

"I'm Peter's bodyguard Eugene. I know everything about you. When this whole situation is cleared up, we're going to have a friendly chat." Happy glared at him. Flash audibly gulped. Happy picked Peter up and escorted Peter out of the house. "He's warm? I guess we need to cool him down." Happy layed Peter down in the back of the limo and ran to sit in the driver's seat. He turned the AC on, sighed, and started driving him back to the compound.

Time Skip, Time Skip, does whatever a time skip does.

Happy picked Peter up and ran into the compound. He ran into the elevator, ignoring the gasps of his fellow workers. "Friday! Take me to the floor Tony is on!" Friday didn't say anything but took them there anyway. The elevator doors opened and Happy rushed out. "Stark!"

Tony groggily walked out of the kitchen, a cup of coffee in hand. "Happy...? Why are you yell--" The cup of coffee fell out of his hands when he saw Peter. "Wh-what happened?! Is he okay?!" Tony yelled as he rushed over.

"He's alive but no one can wake him up!" Happy made not of how Tony's hands were shaking. "There's no external injuries."

"Um," Clint mumbled. Happy suddenly noticed that the rest of the Avengers were in the room also. "Who's that?"

"I didn't see you guys there...Natasha long time no see!" Happy chuckled nervously. Natasha waved at him.

"Okay, uh, Bruce get the med bay ready!" Tony shouted. Bruce nodded and rushed off. Tony then turned to the Avengers. "Guys meet Spiderman! He's currently incapacitated so he can't talk right now!"

"That's Spiderman?" Bucky raised an eyebrow, remembering the arachnied themed hero that caught his metal arm. "Him?"

"No time to talk!" Tony was frantically running around, not sure what to do with himself. "Uh, Happy! Get him to the med bay!" Happy nodded and rushed off. Tony decided to come with Happy to make sure his kid was okay.

"I dropped an airplane terminal on that child." Steve mumbled.


Ned was playing with his fingers. Peter being the cause of his anxiousness. What had that boy done to end up like that? He didn't seem hurt. Did he get sick? That can't be it, he can't get sick anymore thanks to the spider bite. Ned swore that he would throw a fit if the strongest person he'd ever known died because of some stupid illness. He'd be damned if he let that be the case. Ned blinked back tears at the thought of never seeing Peter again.

"Ned," Ned looked to his left and saw MJ next to him. "Peter is strong. He'll be back before you know it!" Ned attempted to give her a smile.

"Thanks MJ."

"No problem, loser." MJ winked. "Plus if Peter died, I would kill him."


"What's wrong with him?! Is he dead?! Did I kill him?!" Tony shouted while shaking Bruce, who was trying to get him to stop. Tony let go of him. "I killed him, didn't I?! Oh my God! I'm going to jail!" Tony paced. "This is all my fault!"

"How could this be your fault?" Happy asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Everything is always my fault!" Tony cried. "I fucked up! I'm a fuck up! Godamnit!"

"Tony, you need to calm down." Bruce told his science buddy. Bruce had never seen Tony like this and was scared.

"No! No, I don't need to 'calm down'. I'm calm! I'm fine! This is fine!" Tony rambled. The rest of the Avengers walked in and were startled when they saw Tony pacing and rambling to himself. "He's dead! Oh my God! He's dead. I'll never see him again. May will be alone! Oh no! Poor May! What do I do?! Oh she's going to sue me! She'll be the last Parker! I killed him! Oh no! No no no no no no no no no no!" Steve walked over and slapped Tony in the face.

"GET A GRIP MAN!" Steve yelled. "Peter is alive! You didn't do anything!"

"You're right! You're right, I'm sorry. Kinda lost it." Tony took a deep breath. He turned to Bruce. "How is he, Bruce?" Bruce sighed.

"He has no injuries. He's not sick. I'm not sure what's wrong." Bruce rubbed the back of his neck. "We'll just have to wait and see." Tony nodded and sighed. He sat down in the chair next to Peter's bed.

"Guess I should call May, huh?" He sighed again and dialed her number. It rang a few times and then she answered.

"Tony Stark?" May questioned through the phone. "Why are you calling me? Did something happen to Peter?" Tony took a deep breath.

"He's alive, but we can't seem to wake him up." Tony mumbled.

"Just say your making pancakes. Works everytime." May chuckled from the other side. Tony sighed.

"No, he passed out and we can't wake him up." Tony's voice was shaky but he managed to somehow hide his anxiousness. It was quiet on the other line for a moment. Tony held his breath, dreading May's reply.

"I'll be there in fifteen minutes." May told him and then hung up. Tony released his breath and looked at Peter.

"You better wake up soon, underoos."


There's going to be a part 3!

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