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Things to know: Spideychelle

MJ already knows that Peter is Spiderman

Peter walked down the halls, anxiousness enveloping his being. Ned bounced up to him, a bright grin on his face. "Hey Pete!"

"Hey Ned." Peter gave him a small wave.

"Good luck with today~" Ned wiggled his eyebrows. Peter gave Ned a friendly push only receiving a laugh in return.

"Hey losers." The familiar sound of MJ's voice caused Peter's cheeks to turn bright red. He spun around and was met with the beautiful girl he had come to love.

"H-Hey, MJ!" He stammered out, causing MJ to raise a brow. Ned gave Peter a wink.

"Oh no! My foot is suddenly in pain! I must take my leave to the nurses office!" Ned dramatically exclaimed.

"Do you need hel--" Peter tried to offer.

"NO! No, you two should talk. Don't get too friendly though~" Ned winked a gun and finger gunned away. Peter turned to MJ.

"S-so..." Peter nervously chuckled. He looked up and found himself getting lost in MJ's eyes. He truly and deeply loved everything about the utter goddess that stood before him. He was mesmerized by the way she walked, the way she talked.

"Uh, loser? Are you okay?" MJ snapped him back into reality. He felt his whole face turn red.

"Uh, yeah! Yeah I'm fine. Um, Michelle?" This gained her attention, Peter never called her Michelle unless he was serious. Not that she's been studying him or anything.

"Yes?" She responded hesitantly.

"This is really embarrassing, but..." He took a deep breath. "I like you! Like, really really like you." He blurted out. "I think I'm in love with you, MJ."

"I know." She responded. Peter's eyes widened.

"Wh-what?" He stuttered.

"I know." She chuckled. "Ned told me, that boy cannot keep a secret." Peter blushed harder.

"Oh." He nervously chuckled. "So...um...how do you feel?" She pretended to think about it for a moment.

"I guess you're...not so unbearable." She smirked. Peter rolled his eyes but laughed. "And you're pretty cute...for a loser."

And they lived happily ever after yada yada yada.


My fluff writing is really bad okay?!

I felt like I NEEDED to apologize for the last chapter so HERE YA GO! I hope your happy.

Sorry it's so short, I don't really ship Spideychelle so...

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